- group PJSUA2_ACC
typedef std::vector<AuthCredInfo> AuthCredInfoVector
Array of SIP credentials
typedef std::vector<SrtpCrypto> SrtpCryptoVector
Array of SRTP cryptos.
typedef std::vector<RtcpFbCap> RtcpFbCapVector
Array of RTCP Feedback capabilities.
struct AccountRegConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account registration config. This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
string registrarUri
This is the URL to be put in the request URI for the registration, and will look something like “sip:serviceprovider”.
This field should be specified if registration is desired. If the value is empty, no account registration will be performed.
bool registerOnAdd
Specify whether the account should register as soon as it is added to the UA. Application can set this to PJ_FALSE and control the registration manually with pjsua_acc_set_registration().
Default: True
bool disableRegOnModify
Specify whether account modification with Account::modify() should automatically update registration if necessary, for example if account credentials change.
Disable this when immediate registration is not desirable, such as during IP address change.
Default: false.
SipHeaderVector headers
The optional custom SIP headers to be put in the registration request.
string contactParams
Additional parameters that will be appended in the Contact header of the registration requests. This will be appended after AccountSipConfig.contactParams;
The parameters should be preceeded by semicolon, and all strings must be properly escaped. Example: “;my-param=X;another-param=Hi%20there”
string contactUriParams
Additional parameters that will be appended in the Contact URI of the registration requests. This will be appended after AccountSipConfig.contactUriParams;
The parameters should be preceeded by semicolon, and all strings must be properly escaped. Example: “;my-param=X;another-param=Hi%20there”
unsigned timeoutSec
Optional interval for registration, in seconds. If the value is zero, default interval will be used (PJSUA_REG_INTERVAL, 300 seconds).
unsigned retryIntervalSec
Specify interval of auto registration retry upon registration failure (including caused by transport problem), in second. Set to 0 to disable auto re-registration. Note that if the registration retry occurs because of transport failure, the first retry will be done after firstRetryIntervalSec seconds instead. Also note that the interval will be randomized slightly by some seconds (specified in reg_retry_random_interval) to avoid all clients re-registering at the same time.
See also firstRetryIntervalSec and randomRetryIntervalSec settings.
unsigned firstRetryIntervalSec
This specifies the interval for the first registration retry. The registration retry is explained in retryIntervalSec. Note that the value here will also be randomized by some seconds (specified in reg_retry_random_interval) to avoid all clients re-registering at the same time.
See also retryIntervalSec and randomRetryIntervalSec settings.
Default: 0
unsigned randomRetryIntervalSec
This specifies maximum randomized value to be added/substracted to/from the registration retry interval specified in reg_retry_interval and reg_first_retry_interval, in second. This is useful to avoid all clients re-registering at the same time. For example, if the registration retry interval is set to 100 seconds and this is set to 10 seconds, the actual registration retry interval will be in the range of 90 to 110 seconds.
See also retryIntervalSec and firstRetryIntervalSec settings.
Default: 10
unsigned delayBeforeRefreshSec
Specify the number of seconds to refresh the client registration before the registration expires.
bool dropCallsOnFail
Specify whether calls of the configured account should be dropped after registration failure and an attempt of re-registration has also failed.
Default: FALSE (disabled)
unsigned unregWaitMsec
Specify the maximum time to wait for unregistration requests to complete during library shutdown sequence.
unsigned proxyUse
Specify how the registration uses the outbound and account proxy settings. This controls if and what Route headers will appear in the REGISTER request of this account. The value is bitmask combination of PJSUA_REG_USE_OUTBOUND_PROXY and PJSUA_REG_USE_ACC_PROXY bits. If the value is set to 0, the REGISTER request will not use any proxy (i.e. it will not have any Route headers).
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
struct AccountSipConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Various SIP settings for the account. This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
AuthCredInfoVector authCreds
Array of credentials. If registration is desired, normally there should be at least one credential specified, to successfully authenticate against the service provider. More credentials can be specified, for example when the requests are expected to be challenged by the proxies in the route set.
StringVector proxies
Array of proxy servers to visit for outgoing requests. Each of the entry is translated into one Route URI.
string contactForced
Optional URI to be put as Contact for this account. It is recommended that this field is left empty, so that the value will be calculated automatically based on the transport address.
string contactParams
Additional parameters that will be appended in the Contact header for this account. This will affect the Contact header in all SIP messages sent on behalf of this account, including but not limited to REGISTER, INVITE, and SUBCRIBE requests or responses.
The parameters should be preceeded by semicolon, and all strings must be properly escaped. Example: “;my-param=X;another-param=Hi%20there”
string contactUriParams
Additional URI parameters that will be appended in the Contact URI for this account. This will affect the Contact URI in all SIP messages sent on behalf of this account, including but not limited to REGISTER, INVITE, and SUBCRIBE requests or responses.
The parameters should be preceeded by semicolon, and all strings must be properly escaped. Example: “;my-param=X;another-param=Hi%20there”
bool authInitialEmpty
If this flag is set, the authentication client framework will send an empty Authorization header in each initial request. Default is no.
string authInitialAlgorithm
Specify the algorithm to use when empty Authorization header is to be sent for each initial request (see above)
TransportId transportId
Optionally bind this account to specific transport. This normally is not a good idea, as account should be able to send requests using any available transports according to the destination. But some application may want to have explicit control over the transport to use, so in that case it can set this field.
Default: -1 (PJSUA_INVALID_ID)
See also
pjsua_ipv6_use ipv6Use
Specify whether IPv6 should be used for SIP signalling.
Default: PJSUA_IPV6_ENABLED_NO_PREFERENCE (IP version used will be based on the address resolution returned by OS/resolver)
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
struct AccountCallConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account’s call settings. This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
inline AccountCallConfig()
Default constructor
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
pjsua_call_hold_type holdType
Specify how to offer call hold to remote peer. Please see the documentation on pjsua_call_hold_type for more info.
pjsua_100rel_use prackUse
Specify how support for reliable provisional response (100rel/ PRACK) should be used for all sessions in this account. See the documentation of pjsua_100rel_use enumeration for more info.
pjsua_sip_timer_use timerUse
Specify the usage of Session Timers for all sessions. See the pjsua_sip_timer_use for possible values.
pjsua_sip_siprec_use siprecUse
Specify the usage of SIPREC INVITE request. See the pjsua_sip_siprec_use for possible values.
unsigned timerMinSESec
Specify minimum Session Timer expiration period, in seconds. Must not be lower than 90. Default is 90.
unsigned timerSessExpiresSec
Specify Session Timer expiration period, in seconds. Must not be lower than timerMinSE. Default is 1800.
inline AccountCallConfig()
struct AccountPresConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account presence config. This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
SipHeaderVector headers
The optional custom SIP headers to be put in the presence subscription request.
bool publishEnabled
If this flag is set, the presence information of this account will be PUBLISH-ed to the server where the account belongs.
Default: PJ_FALSE
bool publishQueue
Specify whether the client publication session should queue the PUBLISH request should there be another PUBLISH transaction still pending. If this is set to false, the client will return error on the PUBLISH request if there is another PUBLISH transaction still in progress.
unsigned publishShutdownWaitMsec
Maximum time to wait for unpublication transaction(s) to complete during shutdown process, before sending unregistration. The library tries to wait for the unpublication (un-PUBLISH) to complete before sending REGISTER request to unregister the account, during library shutdown process. If the value is set too short, it is possible that the unregistration is sent before unpublication completes, causing unpublication request to fail.
Value is in milliseconds.
string pidfTupleId
Optional PIDF tuple ID for outgoing PUBLISH and NOTIFY. If this value is not specified, a random string will be used.
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
struct AccountMwiConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account MWI (Message Waiting Indication) settings. This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
bool enabled
Subscribe to message waiting indication events (RFC 3842).
See also UaConfig.mwiUnsolicitedEnabled setting.
Default: FALSE
unsigned expirationSec
Specify the default expiration time (in seconds) for Message Waiting Indication (RFC 3842) event subscription. This must not be zero.
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
struct AccountNatConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account’s NAT (Network Address Translation) settings. This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
inline AccountNatConfig()
Default constructor
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
pjsua_stun_use sipStunUse
Control the use of STUN for the SIP signaling.
pjsua_stun_use mediaStunUse
Control the use of STUN for the media transports.
pjsua_upnp_use sipUpnpUse
Control the use of UPnP for the SIP signaling.
pjsua_upnp_use mediaUpnpUse
Control the use of UPnP for the media transports.
pjsua_nat64_opt nat64Opt
Specify NAT64 options.
bool iceEnabled
Enable ICE for the media transport.
Default: False
pj_ice_sess_trickle iceTrickle
Set trickle ICE mode for ICE media transport.
int iceMaxHostCands
Set the maximum number of ICE host candidates.
Default: -1 (maximum not set)
bool iceAggressiveNomination
Specify whether to use aggressive nomination.
Default: True
unsigned iceNominatedCheckDelayMsec
For controlling agent if it uses regular nomination, specify the delay to perform nominated check (connectivity check with USE-CANDIDATE attribute) after all components have a valid pair.
int iceWaitNominationTimeoutMsec
For a controlled agent, specify how long it wants to wait (in milliseconds) for the controlling agent to complete sending connectivity check with nominated flag set to true for all components after the controlled agent has found that all connectivity checks in its checklist have been completed and there is at least one successful (but not nominated) check for every component.
Default value for this option is ICE_CONTROLLED_AGENT_WAIT_NOMINATION_TIMEOUT. Specify -1 to disable this timer.
bool iceNoRtcp
Disable RTCP component.
Default: False
bool iceAlwaysUpdate
Always send re-INVITE/UPDATE after ICE negotiation regardless of whether the default ICE transport address is changed or not. When this is set to False, re-INVITE/UPDATE will be sent only when the default ICE transport address is changed.
Default: yes
bool turnEnabled
Enable TURN candidate in ICE.
string turnServer
Specify TURN domain name or host name, in in “DOMAIN:PORT” or “HOST:PORT” format.
pj_turn_tp_type turnConnType
Specify the connection type to be used to the TURN server. Valid values are PJ_TURN_TP_UDP or PJ_TURN_TP_TCP.
string turnUserName
Specify the username to authenticate with the TURN server.
int turnPasswordType
Specify the type of password. Currently this must be zero to indicate plain-text password will be used in the password.
string turnPassword
Specify the password to authenticate with the TURN server.
int contactRewriteUse
This option is used to update the transport address and the Contact header of REGISTER request. When this option is enabled, the library will keep track of the public IP address from the response of REGISTER request. Once it detects that the address has changed, it will unregister current Contact, update the Contact with transport address learned from Via header, and register a new Contact to the registrar. This will also update the public name of UDP transport if STUN is configured.
Possible values:
0 (disabled).
1 (enabled). Update except if both Contact and server’s IP address are public but response contains private IP.
2 (enabled). Update without exception.
See also contactRewriteMethod field.
Default: 1
int contactRewriteMethod
Specify how Contact update will be done with the registration, if contactRewriteEnabled is enabled. The value is bitmask combination of pjsua_contact_rewrite_method. See also pjsua_contact_rewrite_method.
Value PJSUA_CONTACT_REWRITE_UNREGISTER(1) is the legacy behavior.
int contactUseSrcPort
Specify if source TCP port should be used as the initial Contact address if TCP/TLS transport is used. Note that this feature will be automatically turned off when nameserver is configured because it may yield different destination address due to DNS SRV resolution. Also some platforms are unable to report the local address of the TCP socket when it is still connecting. In these cases, this feature will also be turned off.
Default: 1 (PJ_TRUE / yes).
int viaRewriteUse
This option is used to overwrite the “sent-by” field of the Via header for outgoing messages with the same interface address as the one in the REGISTER request, as long as the request uses the same transport instance as the previous REGISTER request.
Default: 1 (PJ_TRUE / yes)
int sdpNatRewriteUse
This option controls whether the IP address in SDP should be replaced with the IP address found in Via header of the REGISTER response, ONLY when STUN and ICE are not used. If the value is FALSE (the original behavior), then the local IP address will be used. If TRUE, and when STUN and ICE are disabled, then the IP address found in registration response will be used.
Default: PJ_FALSE (no)
int sipOutboundUse
Control the use of SIP outbound feature. SIP outbound is described in RFC 5626 to enable proxies or registrar to send inbound requests back to UA using the same connection initiated by the UA for its registration. This feature is highly useful in NAT-ed deployemtns, hence it is enabled by default.
Note: currently SIP outbound can only be used with TCP and TLS transports. If UDP is used for the registration, the SIP outbound feature will be silently ignored for the account.
Default: 1 (PJ_TRUE / yes)
string sipOutboundInstanceId
Specify SIP outbound (RFC 5626) instance ID to be used by this account. If empty, an instance ID will be generated based on the hostname of this agent. If application specifies this parameter, the value will look like “<urn:uuid:00000000-0000-1000-8000-AABBCCDDEEFF>” without the double-quotes.
Default: empty
string sipOutboundRegId
Specify SIP outbound (RFC 5626) registration ID. The default value is empty, which would cause the library to automatically generate a suitable value.
Default: empty
unsigned udpKaIntervalSec
Set the interval for periodic keep-alive transmission for this account. If this value is zero, keep-alive will be disabled for this account. The keep-alive transmission will be sent to the registrar’s address, after successful registration.
Default: 15 (seconds)
string udpKaData
Specify the data to be transmitted as keep-alive packets.
Default: CR-LF
inline AccountNatConfig()
struct SendRequestParam
- #include <account.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Account::sendRequest()
Public Functions
Default constructor initializes with zero/empty values.
Public Members
Token userData
Token or arbitrary user data ownd by the application, which will be passed back in callback Account::onSendRequest().
string method
SIP method of the request.
SipTxOption txOption
Message body and/or list of headers etc. to be included in the outgoing request.
struct SrtpCrypto
- #include <account.hpp>
SRTP crypto.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_srtp_crypto &prm)
Convert from pjsip
pjmedia_srtp_crypto toPj() const
Convert to pjsip
Public Members
string key
Optional key. If empty, a random key will be autogenerated.
string name
Crypto name.
unsigned flags
Flags, bitmask from pjmedia_srtp_crypto_option
void fromPj(const pjmedia_srtp_crypto &prm)
struct SrtpOpt : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
SRTP settings.
Public Functions
Default constructor initializes with default values.
void fromPj(const pjsua_srtp_opt &prm)
Convert from pjsip
pjsua_srtp_opt toPj() const
Convert to pjsip
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
SrtpCryptoVector cryptos
Specify SRTP cryptos. If empty, all crypto will be enabled. Available crypto can be enumerated using Endpoint::srtpCryptoEnum().
Default: empty.
struct RtcpFbCap
- #include <account.hpp>
RTCP Feedback capability.
Public Functions
inline RtcpFbCap()
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_fb_cap &prm)
Convert from pjsip
pjmedia_rtcp_fb_cap toPj() const
Convert to pjsip
Public Members
string codecId
Specify the codecs to which the capability is applicable. Codec ID is using the same format as in pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id() and pjmedia_vid_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(), e.g: “L16/8000/1”, “PCMU”, “H264”. This can also be an asterisk (“*”) to represent all codecs.
pjmedia_rtcp_fb_type type
Specify the RTCP Feedback type.
string typeName
Specify the type name if RTCP Feedback type is PJMEDIA_RTCP_FB_OTHER.
string param
Specify the RTCP Feedback parameters.
inline RtcpFbCap()
struct RtcpFbConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
RTCP Feedback settings.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_fb_setting &prm)
Convert from pjsip
pjmedia_rtcp_fb_setting toPj() const
Convert to pjsip
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
bool dontUseAvpf
Specify whether transport protocol in SDP media description uses RTP/AVP instead of RTP/AVPF. Note that the standard mandates to signal AVPF profile, but it may cause SDP negotiation failure when negotiating with endpoints that does not support RTCP Feedback (including older version of PJSIP).
Default: false.
RtcpFbCapVector caps
RTCP Feedback capabilities.
struct AccountMediaConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account media config (applicable for both audio and video). This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
inline AccountMediaConfig()
Default constructor
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
TransportConfig transportConfig
Media transport (RTP) configuration.
For port and portRange settings, RTCP port is selected as RTP port+1. Example: port=5000, portRange=4
Available ports: 5000, 5002, 5004 (Media/RTP transport) 5001, 5003, 5005 (Media/RTCP transport)
bool lockCodecEnabled
If remote sends SDP answer containing more than one format or codec in the media line, send re-INVITE or UPDATE with just one codec to lock which codec to use.
Default: True (Yes).
bool streamKaEnabled
Specify whether stream keep-alive and NAT hole punching with non-codec-VAD mechanism (see PJMEDIA_STREAM_ENABLE_KA) is enabled for this account.
Default: False
pjmedia_srtp_use srtpUse
Specify whether secure media transport should be used for this account. Valid values are PJMEDIA_SRTP_DISABLED, PJMEDIA_SRTP_OPTIONAL, and PJMEDIA_SRTP_MANDATORY.
int srtpSecureSignaling
Specify whether SRTP requires secure signaling to be used. This option is only used when use_srtp option above is non-zero.
Valid values are: 0: SRTP does not require secure signaling 1: SRTP requires secure transport such as TLS 2: SRTP requires secure end-to-end transport (SIPS)
pjsua_ipv6_use ipv6Use
Specify whether IPv6 should be used on media.
Default: PJSUA_IPV6_ENABLED_PREFER_IPV4 (Dual stack media, capable to use IPv4/IPv6. Outgoing offer will prefer to use IPv4)
bool rtcpMuxEnabled
Enable RTP and RTCP multiplexing. Default: false
RtcpFbConfig rtcpFbConfig
RTCP Feedback settings.
bool rtcpXrEnabled
Enable RTCP Extended Report (RTCP XR).
bool useLoopMedTp
Use loopback media transport. This may be useful if application doesn’t want PJSUA2 to create real media transports/sockets, such as when using third party media.
Default: false
bool enableLoopback
Enable local loopback when useLoopMedTp is set to TRUE. If enabled, packets sent to the transport will be sent back to the streams attached to the transport.
Default: false
inline AccountMediaConfig()
struct AccountVideoConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account video config. This will be specified in AccountConfig.
Public Functions
inline AccountVideoConfig()
Default constructor
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
bool autoShowIncoming
Specify whether incoming video should be shown to screen by default. This applies to incoming call (INVITE), incoming re-INVITE, and incoming UPDATE requests.
Regardless of this setting, application can detect incoming video by implementing on_call_media_state() callback and enumerating the media stream(s) with pjsua_call_get_info(). Once incoming video is recognised, application may retrieve the window associated with the incoming video and show or hide it with pjsua_vid_win_set_show().
Default: False
bool autoTransmitOutgoing
Specify whether outgoing video should be activated by default when making outgoing calls and/or when incoming video is detected. This applies to incoming and outgoing calls, incoming re-INVITE, and incoming UPDATE. If the setting is non-zero, outgoing video transmission will be started as soon as response to these requests is sent (or received).
Regardless of the value of this setting, application can start and stop outgoing video transmission with pjsua_call_set_vid_strm().
Default: False
unsigned windowFlags
Specify video window’s flags. The value is a bitmask combination of pjmedia_vid_dev_wnd_flag.
Default: 0
pjmedia_vid_dev_index defaultCaptureDevice
Specify the default capture device to be used by this account. If vidOutAutoTransmit is enabled, this device will be used for capturing video.
pjmedia_vid_dev_index defaultRenderDevice
Specify the default rendering device to be used by this account.
pjmedia_vid_stream_rc_method rateControlMethod
Rate control method.
unsigned rateControlBandwidth
Upstream/outgoing bandwidth. If this is set to zero, the video stream will use codec maximum bitrate setting.
Default: 0 (follow codec maximum bitrate).
unsigned startKeyframeCount
The number of keyframe to be sent after the stream is created.
unsigned startKeyframeInterval
The keyframe sending interval after the stream is created.
inline AccountVideoConfig()
struct AccountIpChangeConfig
- #include <account.hpp>
Account config specific to IP address change.
Public Functions
inline virtual ~AccountIpChangeConfig()
Virtual destructor
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
bool shutdownTp
Shutdown the transport used for account registration. If this is set to PJ_TRUE, the transport will be shutdown altough it’s used by multiple account. Shutdown transport will be followed by re-Registration if AccountConfig.natConfig.contactRewriteUse is enabled.
Default: true
bool hangupCalls
Hangup active calls associated with the acount. If this is set to true, then the calls will be hang up.
Default: false
unsigned reinviteFlags
Specify the call flags used in the re-INVITE when hangupCalls is set to false. If this is set to 0, no re-INVITE will be sent. The re-INVITE will be sent after re-Registration is finished.
unsigned reinvUseUpdate
For refreshing the call, use SIP UPDATE, instead of re-INVITE, if remote supports it (by publishing it in Allow header). If remote does not support UPDATE method or somehow the UPDATE attempt fails, it will fallback to using re-INVITE. The reinviteFlags will be used regardless whether it is re-INVITE or UPDATE that is sent.
Default: PJ_FALSE (using re-INVITE).
inline virtual ~AccountIpChangeConfig()
struct AccountConfig : public pj::PersistentObject
- #include <account.hpp>
Account configuration.
Public Functions
Default constructor will initialize with default values.
void toPj(pjsua_acc_config &cfg) const
This will return a temporary pjsua_acc_config instance, which contents are only valid as long as this AccountConfig structure remains valid AND no modifications are done to it AND no further toPj() function call is made. Any call to toPj() function will invalidate the content of temporary pjsua_acc_config that was returned by the previous call.
void fromPj(const pjsua_acc_config &prm, const pjsua_media_config *mcfg)
Initialize from pjsip.
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node)
Read this object from a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to read values from.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const
Write this object to a container node.
- Parameters:
node – Container to write values to.
Public Members
int priority
Account priority, which is used to control the order of matching incoming/outgoing requests. The higher the number means the higher the priority is, and the account will be matched first.
string idUri
The Address of Record or AOR, that is full SIP URL that identifies the account. The value can take name address or URL format, and will look something like “sip:account@serviceprovider”.
This field is mandatory.
AccountRegConfig regConfig
Registration settings.
AccountSipConfig sipConfig
SIP settings.
AccountCallConfig callConfig
Call settings.
AccountPresConfig presConfig
Presence settings.
AccountMwiConfig mwiConfig
MWI (Message Waiting Indication) settings.
AccountNatConfig natConfig
NAT settings.
AccountMediaConfig mediaConfig
Media settings (applicable for both audio and video).
AccountVideoConfig videoConfig
Video settings.
AccountIpChangeConfig ipChangeConfig
IP Change settings.
struct AccountInfo
- #include <account.hpp>
Account information. Application can query the account information by calling Account::getInfo().
Public Functions
inline AccountInfo()
Default constructor
void fromPj(const pjsua_acc_info &pai)
Import from pjsip data
Public Members
pjsua_acc_id id
The account ID.
bool isDefault
Flag to indicate whether this is the default account.
bool regIsConfigured
Flag to tell whether this account has registration setting (reg_uri is not empty).
bool regIsActive
Flag to tell whether this account is currently registered (has active registration session).
unsigned regExpiresSec
An up to date expiration interval for account registration session.
pjsip_status_code regStatus
Last registration status code. If status code is zero, the account is currently not registered. Any other value indicates the SIP status code of the registration.
string regStatusText
String describing the registration status.
pj_status_t regLastErr
Last registration error code. When the status field contains a SIP status code that indicates a registration failure, last registration error code contains the error code that causes the failure. In any other case, its value is zero.
bool onlineStatus
Presence online status for this account.
string onlineStatusText
Presence online status text.
inline AccountInfo()
struct OnIncomingCallParam
- #include <account.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for onIncomingCall() account callback.
struct OnRegStartedParam
- #include <account.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for onRegStarted() account callback.
Public Members
bool renew
True for registration and False for unregistration.
bool renew
struct OnRegStateParam
- #include <account.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for onRegState() account callback.
Public Members
pj_status_t status
Registration operation status.
pjsip_status_code code
SIP status code received.
string reason
SIP reason phrase received.
unsigned expiration
Next expiration interval.
pj_status_t status
struct OnIncomingSubscribeParam
- #include <account.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for onIncomingSubscribe() callback.
Public Members
void *srvPres
Server presence subscription instance. If application delays the acceptance of the request, it will need to specify this object when calling Account::presNotify().
string fromUri
Sender URI.
pjsip_status_code code
The status code to respond to the request. The default value is 200. Application may set this to other final status code to accept or reject the request.
string reason
The reason phrase to respond to the request.
SipTxOption txOption
Additional data to be sent with the response, if any.
void *srvPres
struct OnInstantMessageParam
- #include <account.hpp>
Parameters for onInstantMessage() account callback.
struct OnInstantMessageStatusParam
- #include <account.hpp>
Parameters for onInstantMessageStatus() account callback.
Public Members
string toUri
Destination URI.
string msgBody
The message body.
pjsip_status_code code
The SIP status code of the transaction.
string reason
The reason phrase of the transaction.
string toUri
struct OnTypingIndicationParam
- #include <account.hpp>
Parameters for onTypingIndication() account callback.
struct OnMwiInfoParam
- #include <account.hpp>
Parameters for onMwiInfo() account callback.
Public Members
pjsip_evsub_state state
MWI subscription state.
pjsip_evsub_state state
struct OnSendRequestParam
- #include <account.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Account::onSendRequest() callback.
struct PresNotifyParam
- #include <account.hpp>
Parameters for presNotify() account method.
Public Members
void *srvPres
Server presence subscription instance.
pjsip_evsub_state state
Server presence subscription state to set.
string stateStr
Optionally specify the state string name, if state is not “active”, “pending”, or “terminated”.
string reason
If the new state is PJSIP_EVSUB_STATE_TERMINATED, optionally specify the termination reason.
bool withBody
If the new state is PJSIP_EVSUB_STATE_TERMINATED, this specifies whether the NOTIFY request should contain message body containing account’s presence information.
SipTxOption txOption
Optional list of headers to be sent with the NOTIFY request.
void *srvPres
class FindBuddyMatch
- #include <account.hpp>
Wrapper class for Buddy matching algo.
Default algo is a simple substring lookup of search-token in the Buddy URIs, with case sensitive. Application can implement its own matching algo by overriding this class and specifying its instance in Account::findBuddy().
class Account
- #include <account.hpp>
Public Functions
virtual ~Account()
Destructor. Note that if the account is deleted, it will also delete the corresponding account in the PJSUA-LIB.
If application implements a derived class, the derived class should call shutdown() in the beginning stage in its destructor, or alternatively application should call shutdown() before deleting the derived class instance. This is to avoid race condition between the derived class destructor and Account callbacks.
void create(const AccountConfig &cfg, bool make_default = false)
Create the account.
If application implements a derived class, the derived class should call shutdown() in the beginning stage in its destructor, or alternatively application should call shutdown() before deleting the derived class instance. This is to avoid race condition between the derived class destructor and Account callbacks.
- Parameters:
cfg – The account config.
make_default – Make this the default account.
void shutdown()
Shutdown the account. This will initiate unregistration if needed, and delete the corresponding account in the PJSUA-LIB.
Note that application must delete all Buddy instances belong to this account before shutting down the account.
If application implements a derived class, the derived class should call this method in the beginning stage in its destructor, or alternatively application should call this method before deleting the derived class instance. This is to avoid race condition between the derived class destructor and Account callbacks.
void modify(const AccountConfig &cfg)
Modify the account to use the specified account configuration. Depending on the changes, this may cause unregistration or reregistration on the account.
- Parameters:
cfg – New account config to be applied to the account.
bool isValid() const
Check if this account is still valid.
- Returns:
True if it is.
void setDefault()
Set this as default account to be used when incoming and outgoing requests don’t match any accounts.
bool isDefault() const
Check if this account is the default account. Default account will be used for incoming and outgoing requests that don’t match any other accounts.
- Returns:
True if this is the default account.
int getId() const
Get PJSUA-LIB account ID or index associated with this account.
- Returns:
Integer greater than or equal to zero.
AccountInfo getInfo() const
Get account info.
- Returns:
Account info.
void sendRequest(const pj::SendRequestParam &prm)
Send arbitrary requests using the account. Application should only use this function to create auxiliary requests outside dialog, such as OPTIONS, and use the call or presence API to create dialog related requests.
- Parameters:
prm.method – SIP method of the request.
prm.txOption – Optional message body and/or list of headers to be included in outgoing request.
void setRegistration(bool renew)
Update registration or perform unregistration. Application normally only needs to call this function if it wants to manually update the registration or to unregister from the server.
- Parameters:
renew – If False, this will start unregistration process.
void setOnlineStatus(const PresenceStatus &pres_st)
Set or modify account’s presence online status to be advertised to remote/presence subscribers. This would trigger the sending of outgoing NOTIFY request if there are server side presence subscription for this account, and/or outgoing PUBLISH if presence publication is enabled for this account.
- Parameters:
pres_st – Presence online status.
void setTransport(TransportId tp_id)
Lock/bind this account to a specific transport/listener. Normally application shouldn’t need to do this, as transports will be selected automatically by the library according to the destination.
When account is locked/bound to a specific transport, all outgoing requests from this account will use the specified transport (this includes SIP registration, dialog (call and event subscription), and out-of-dialog requests such as MESSAGE).
Note that transport id may be specified in AccountConfig too.
- Parameters:
tp_id – The transport ID.
void presNotify(const PresNotifyParam &prm)
Send NOTIFY to inform account presence status or to terminate server side presence subscription. If application wants to reject the incoming request, it should set the param PresNotifyParam.state to PJSIP_EVSUB_STATE_TERMINATED.
- Parameters:
prm – The sending NOTIFY parameter.
const BuddyVector &enumBuddies() const
Warning: deprecated, use enumBuddies2() instead. This function is not safe in multithreaded environment.
Enumerate all buddies of the account.
- Returns:
The buddy list.
BuddyVector2 enumBuddies2() const
Enumerate all buddies of the account.
- Returns:
The buddy list.
Buddy *findBuddy(string uri, FindBuddyMatch *buddy_match = NULL) const
Warning: deprecated, use findBuddy2 instead. This function is not safe in multithreaded environment.
Find a buddy in the buddy list with the specified URI.
Exception: if buddy is not found, PJ_ENOTFOUND will be thrown.
- Parameters:
uri – The buddy URI.
buddy_match – The buddy match algo.
- Returns:
The pointer to buddy.
Buddy findBuddy2(string uri) const
Find a buddy in the buddy list with the specified URI.
Exception: if buddy is not found, PJ_ENOTFOUND will be thrown.
- Parameters:
uri – The buddy URI.
- Returns:
The pointer to buddy.
inline virtual void onIncomingCall(OnIncomingCallParam &prm)
Notify application on incoming call.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onRegStarted(OnRegStartedParam &prm)
Notify application when registration or unregistration has been initiated. Note that this only notifies the initial registration and unregistration. Once registration session is active, subsequent refresh will not cause this callback to be called.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onRegState(OnRegStateParam &prm)
Notify application when registration status has changed. Application may then query the account info to get the registration details.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onIncomingSubscribe(OnIncomingSubscribeParam &prm)
Notification when incoming SUBSCRIBE request is received. Application may use this callback to authorize the incoming subscribe request (e.g. ask user permission if the request should be granted).
If this callback is not implemented, all incoming presence subscription requests will be accepted.
If this callback is implemented, application has several choices on what to do with the incoming request:
it may reject the request immediately by specifying non-200 class final response in the IncomingSubscribeParam.code parameter.
it may immediately accept the request by specifying 200 as the IncomingSubscribeParam.code parameter. This is the default value if application doesn’t set any value to the IncomingSubscribeParam.code parameter. In this case, the library will automatically send NOTIFY request upon returning from this callback.
it may delay the processing of the request, for example to request user permission whether to accept or reject the request. In this case, the application MUST set the IncomingSubscribeParam.code argument to 202, then IMMEDIATELY calls presNotify() with state PJSIP_EVSUB_STATE_PENDING and later calls presNotify() again to accept or reject the subscription request.
Any IncomingSubscribeParam.code other than 200 and 202 will be treated as 200.
Application MUST return from this callback immediately (e.g. it must not block in this callback while waiting for user confirmation).
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onInstantMessage(OnInstantMessageParam &prm)
Notify application on incoming instant message or pager (i.e. MESSAGE request) that was received outside call context.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onInstantMessageStatus(OnInstantMessageStatusParam &prm)
Notify application about the delivery status of outgoing pager/instant message (i.e. MESSAGE) request.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onSendRequest(OnSendRequestParam &prm)
Notify application when a transaction started by Account::sendRequest() has been completed,i.e. when a response has been received.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onTypingIndication(OnTypingIndicationParam &prm)
Notify application about typing indication.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
inline virtual void onMwiInfo(OnMwiInfoParam &prm)
Notification about MWI (Message Waiting Indication) status change. This callback can be called upon the status change of the SUBSCRIBE request (for example, 202/Accepted to SUBSCRIBE is received) or when a NOTIFY reqeust is received.
- Parameters:
prm – Callback parameter.
typedef std::vector<AuthCredInfo> AuthCredInfoVector