Install the required tools and library
In this section, we will install the required libraries and tools to build and develop Android SIP client applications supporting voice/VoIP calls, video, and secure communication using TLS and secure RTP (SRTP).
We tried to present the minimum and optimum features in this tutorial. You can install other, optional features by clicking the relevant feature in PJSIP for Android features page.
Install Android Android Studio and Android NDK
While PJSIP only requires the NDK to build, you usually need Android Studio to develop your application, and it is recommended to install the NDK from Android Studio’s SDK manager anyway, hence let’s install them by following the instructions here:
Install Android Studio
Install Android NDK.
This tutorial uses Android Studio Ladybug Feature Drop 2024.2.2 and NDK 28.0.12916984 on Ubuntu 22.04.
Install SWIG
SWIG is used to create high level language bindings (such as Java, C#, Python) for PJSUA2 API.
To install it, follow the instructions from SWIG homepage.
Make sure SWIG is accessible in the PATH. You can check by running:
$ swig -version
SWIG Version 4.0.2
Compiled with g++ [x86_64-pc-linux-gnu]
Configured options: +pcre
Please see for reporting bugs and further information
Download and extract Oboe
We recommend Oboe for Android audio device:
download Oboe prefab package (.aar file) from
extract it somewhere in your system, save the location to OBOE_DIR environment variable (we will refer to it later).
$ export OBOE_DIR=/home/whoever/Android/oboe-1.9.3
For additional information, see Android Oboe.
Install OpenSSL
Let’s use TLS in our demo as a good security practice. To install it:
Download OpenSSL release from (we tested with versions from 1.1.0 to 3.4)
Extract to some directory
follow the instructions in Notes-ANDROID to build it for Android. Sample commands:
# in OpenSSL directory $ export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=[your_android_ndk_path] $ PATH=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH $ ./Configure android-arm64 -D__ANDROID_API__=29 $ make
There is no need to run make install.
Create a
directory and copy the libraries to it:# in OpenSSL directory $ mkdir lib $ cp lib*.a lib/ $ ls lib libcrypto.a libssl.a
Save the location to OPENSSL_DIR environment variable (we will refer to it later).
$ export OPENSSL_DIR=/home/whoever/Android/openssl-3.4.0
Download PJSIP
Download PJSIP tarballs from PJSIP download page, or clone pjproject GitHub repository to get the latest and greatest version.
Extract or clone pjproject
somewhere in your system. This tutorial uses PJSIP version 2.15.1.
What’s next
Now that we have all the required libraries and tools installed, we are ready to build PJSIP and its JAVA interface.