Android Java SIP VoIP and Video Client Example

This guide will give you step by step tutorial to open, build, run, and debug PJSIP Android Java SIP client sample application using Android Studio. The sample application supports TLS, voice calls with AMR NB/WB codecs, and H.264 video calling, using native codecs provided by the phone.

Open the apps in Android Studio

Launch Android Studio, open the project at pjsip-apps/src/swig/java/android.


If you encounter errors (in the Build tab), something like:

android: failed, Your build is currently configured to use incompatible
Java 21.0.4 and Gradle 7.5. Cannot sync the project..
We recommend upgrading to Gradle version 8.9.
The minimum compatible Gradle version is 8.5.

Possible solutions:
* Upgrade to Gradle 8.9 and re-sync.
* Upgrade to Gradle 8.5 and re-sync.

Just follow the recommendation to upgrade to Grandle newer version by clicking Upgrade to Gradle 8.9 and re-sync above.

Once the upgrade completes (you see BUILD SUCCESSFUL message), follow the pop-up recommendation to upgrade the project Android’s Gradle plugin by following AGP Upgrade Assistant suggestion (or choose Tools > AGP Upgrade Assistant.. from the menu).

Once loaded properly, the project tree will look something like this:

SIP apps in Android Studio project

It contains three modules:

Build the project

Select from the menu Build > Make Project or press Ctrl+F9 if you’re on Linux/Windows or Command+F9 if you’re on MacOS to build all modules in the project.


If you have tons of errors at this stage, it may be because the project is not compatible with your Android Gradle plugin. Try to upgrade it from by selecting from the menu Tools > AGP Upgrade Assistant….

Run or debug Pjsua2 app

  • From the toolbar, select app as the default app to launch.

  • Select Run > Run ‘app’ or click the Run button from the toolbar (or Debug instead).

  • The app (which is named Pjsua2 in the Android device) should be launching on your device (either emulator or real device)

  • First time it will ask for camera and recorder permissions, which you should allow.

Once started, initially you will see blank Pjsua2 application like this:

Pjsua2 Android SIP dialer


For any problems, first of all open Logcat tool window by selecting View > Tool Windows > Logcat.

Then see if the issues have been addressed in Common issues when developing Android SIP client.

Set account and register to server

Click the wrench icon and set the SIP account to register. Remember that we have added OpenSSL to our build, so let’s use TLS transport to connect to the SIP server. Also it happens that my home router has ALG that messes up SIP traffic, so that is another good reason to use TLS.

These are my settings:

SIP account registration

Click OK to close the dialog and start registering to the SIP server. You can check the registration status in the Logcat window or by opening the account dialog and see the last registration status as displayed below.

SIP account registration

Add buddy

Once registration is successful you can start adding buddies. Here I’m adding MicroSIP application that’s running on Windows:

Add SIP presence buddy

I will also add pjsua application that is running on Linux.

After you click OK, the application will query the presence availability of the buddy and display the presence status below the URI, as shown below:

SIP buddy list

Dialing/making a call

Select the buddy, and click the phone icon to make a call:

SIP dialing a contact

Once the other side answers, the call is connected:

SIP dialing a contact

Click the Hangup button to hang up.

Receiving incoming call

When you have an incoming call, you will get notification like this:

SIP dialing a contact

You may accept or reject the call by pressing the appropriate button.

Video calls

You can get video calls when dialing/receiving calls from another SIP dialer/application that supports video, such as MicroSIP, an excellent open source SIP voice and video softphone for Windows and possibly other platforms, or another pjsua instance.

Here is screenshot of a rather unexciting call with myself:

Android SIP video calls

and just for reference, here’s what it looks like on the MicroSIP Windows side:

SIP video calls on Windows

Notes on NAT

While ICE is enabled in this sample, STUN is not. The media, both audio and video, work on this call simply because both devices are on the same LAN. If you have issues with no media, you can modify the source code and add STUN server.

Notes on video quality

Video quality can be improved by increasing the bitrate. See Video User’s Guide for more information.

For reference, the call above was using 320x240 video resolution and about 260 Kbps average bitrate on both transmit and receive side.

What’s next

We have shown that Pjsua2 app sample, while it is very simple both UI and coding wise (it’s less than 2K lines of code, see the source code in pjsip-apps/src/swig/java/android/app), we have built an Android SIP voice and video client application supporting SIP, secure transport (TLS), voice, AMR wideband audio codec, H.264 video, ICE for NAT traversal, and RTP/RTCP.

By tweaking the source code a little bit, you can enable features such as STUN server, event publication, increasing video bitrate for better quality, and so on.

Let’s move on to another Android SIP application example, this time it’s Kotlin based.