Writing guide

Note: see this document online in https://docs.pjsip.org/en/latest/specific-guides/other/writing-guide.html

Heading convention

H0 (for site title)

H1 (prefer this for document title)

We also use this for document title:

Also H1 and document title

(Historically, *** is higher level than === in this site, but then the layer
with *** was deleted, so === becomes H1)



Also H3

(I prefer ~~~ for H3 since it's less conspicuous)


Typography conventions

  • For PJSIP symbols, use breathe-apidoc constructs, e.g.:

  • For other identifier: identifier

  • command

  • file name

  • Bold for UI items like OK button, File -> Open menu, and for normal emphasis like this is important.

  • Italics for quoted info, e.g. according to RFC 123 Section 1.2: Open source software is good.


Cross referencing


Rather than explicitly specifying the role in the link (with :doc: or :ref:), you can use :any: to make Sphinx automatically detect the best role to use for the specified target.

Linking to documentation section

Links to sections in the menu:

Linking to a page

Use :any: or :doc: to link to a page.

Sample linking to getting started pages:

Sample linking to root API reference pages and samples:

Linking to doxygen group/topic

To link to specific doxygen group/topic:

  • Open the relevant API reference page (e.g. API Reference)

  • View the source to get the link, e.g.

    `:doc:`uPnP </api/generated/pjnath/group/group__PJNATH__UPNP>`

    which will be rendered as uPnP

Available cross-references:

Currenty available cross-references:

$ egrep -r '^.. _' * | grep rst
api/pjlib/index.rst:.. _pjlib_pool:
api/pjlib/index.rst:.. _pjlib_string:
api/pjnath/ref.rst:.. _ice:
api/pjnath/ref.rst:.. _stun:
api/pjnath/ref.rst:.. _turn:
api/pjnath/ref.rst:.. _upnp:
api/pjnath/ref.rst:.. _nat_detect:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _audiodev_supported_devs:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _alsa:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _opensl:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _jnisound:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _oboe:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _bdsound:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _coreaudio:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _wmme:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _wasapi:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-audiodev.rst:.. _portaudio:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _android_cam:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _avi_device:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _avfoundation:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _colorbar:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _dshow:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _ffmpeg_capture:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _opengl:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _qtdev:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _sdl:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _guide_sdl:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _video4linux:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-videodev.rst:.. _guide_video4linux:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _pjmedia-codec:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _amediacodec:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _bcg729:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _ffmpeg:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _g711:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _g722:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _g7221:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _gsm:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _ilbc:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _ipp:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _l16:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _opencore_amr:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _openh264:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _opus:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _passthrough:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _silk:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _speex:
api/pjmedia/pjmedia-codec.rst:.. _libvpx:
get-started/android/build_instructions.rst:.. _android_pjsua2:
get-started/android/build_instructions.rst:.. _android_create_app:
get-started/ios/issues.rst:.. _ios_bg:
get-started/guidelines-development.rst:.. _dev_start:
get-started/guidelines-development.rst:.. _config_site.h:
get-started/guidelines-api.rst:.. _which_api_to_use:
overview/license_3rd_party.rst:.. _licensing_3rd_party:
pjsua2/using/call.rst:.. _pjsua2_call_disconnection:
pjsua2/using/account.rst:.. _pjsua2_creating_userless_account:
specific-guides/sip/index.rst:.. _guide_adding_custom_header:
specific-guides/build_int/ffmpeg.rst:.. _guide_ffmpeg:
specific-guides/audio/webrtc.rst:.. _guide_webrtc:
specific-guides/audio/opencore-amr.rst:.. _guide_opencore_amr:
specific-guides/audio/index.rst:.. _guide_ipp:
specific-guides/perf_footprint/index.rst:.. _guide_performance:
specific-guides/perf_footprint/index.rst:.. _guide_footprint:
specific-guides/security/ssl.rst:.. _guide_ssl:
specific-guides/network_nat/qos.rst:.. _qos:
specific-guides/other/writing-guide.rst:.. _my_secret_target:
specific-guides/video/index.rst:.. _guide_libyuv:
specific-guides/video/index.rst:.. _guide_vidconf:

Creating own cross reference

This is if you want to create and cross reference a specific location in a page (rather than the whole page).

First create the link target (analogous to <A name>). Don’t forget the underscore before the id:

.. _my_secret_target:

Then to reference the target, use my_secret_target or With a text (note: there’s no underscore).

See https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#ref-role for more info.

Linking to GitHub


In practice :issue: or :pr: can be used interchangeably since GitHub will redirect to correct URL, but it’s best to use the correct construct to avoid unnecessary redirect.

Linking from external website

Find the target link from the front page: https://docs.pjsip.org/en/latest/index.html

Notes, Warnings, and Blocks


This is a note


This is a tip


This is a warning

/* Sample C code */
puts("Hello world");
$ echo Hello world


Local TOC

It’s recommended to have TOC at the start of the document:

.. contents:: Table of Contents
    :depth: 2

Converting from Trac wiki

This is what I found to get the best conversion result, although bear in mind that the best result still requires a lot of manual editing afterwards. It requires Pandoc though (https://pandoc.org/).

  1. Download Trac wiki page to a temporary file

  2. Convert:

$ trac2down tracwikifile.trac | pandoc -f markdown -t rst > output.rst

Note: trac2down.py is in the root dir of pjproject_docs

Note: there should be other tools to convert from markdown to rst. I happen to have Pandoc installed.