Build Instructions with GNU Build Systems

Supported Targets

The autoconf based GNU build system can be used to build the libraries/applications for the following targets:

  • Linux/uC-Linux (i386, Opteron, Itanium, MIPS, PowerPC, etc.),

  • MacOS X (PowerPC, Intel, Apple M),

  • mingw/mingw-w64

  • FreeBSD and maybe other BSD’s (i386, Opteron, etc.),

  • RTEMS with cross compilation (ARM, powerpc),

  • etc.


Tools and development libraries

In order to use PJSIP’s GNU build system, these typical GNU tools are needed:

  • GNU make (other make will not work),

  • GNU binutils for the target, and

  • GNU gcc for the target.

In addition, the following libraries are optional, but they will be used if they are present:

  • (For Linux): ALSA (recommended). See ALSA.

  • SSL libraries such as OpenSSL, GnuTLS, or BoringSSL (Mac/iOS can use native SSL). See SSL/TLS

Video Support

The following components are needed for video:

  1. SDL version 2.0

  2. For format conversion and video manipulation, you can use one of the following:

    • libyuv (recommended). See libyuv. Alternatively, you can use ffmpeg below.

    • FFMPEG.

  3. For video codecs:

  4. Linux: Video4Linux2 (v4l2) development library.

  5. Optional: Qt development SDK for building the vidgui. We tested with version 4.6 or later.


    Without this you can still enjoy video with pjsua console application


    For more information about using the video, see Video User’s Guide

Host requirements

The build system is known to work on the following hosts:

  • Linux, many types of distributions.

  • MacOS X 10.2

  • mingw/mingw-w64

  • FreeBSD (must use gmake instead of make)


Running ./configure.

Using Default Settings

Run “./configure” without any options to let the script detect the appropriate settings for the host:

$ cd pjproject
$ ./configure


The default settings build the libraries in release mode, with default CFLAGS set to “-O2”. To change the default CFLAGS, we can use the usual ./configure CFLAGS='-g' construct.

Configure with Video Support

Add this to your config_site.h:

#define PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO    1

Video requirements will be detected by the configure script. Pay attention to the following output (the sample below was taken on a Mac):

Using SDL prefix... /Users/pjsip/Desktop/opt
checking SDL availability..... 2.0.1
Using ffmpeg prefix... /Users/pjsip/Desktop/opt
checking for pkg-config... no
checking for python... python
checking ffmpeg packages...  libavformat libavcodec libswscale libavutil
checking for v4l2_open in -lv4l2... no
checking OpenH264 availability... ok
checking for I420Scale in -lyuv... yes

The above output shows the SDL version detected, 2.0.1 in this case. It also found OpenH264, libyuv, and ffmpeg packages (libavformat, libavcodec, etc).


For this particular build, alternative locations (prefixes) are specified for both SDL and ffmpeg with --with-sdl and -with-ffmpeg options respectively.


Regarding ffmpeg libraries dependencies:

The pkg-config tool is used to detect the correct compilation settings and library dependency for the ffmpeg packages. The pkg-config is not installed by default on Mac, as the output above shows, hence we use the alternate script.

You need to have Python installed to run this script of course, and the configure script detects its availability automatically.

If Python is not available, you will need to supply the correct CFLAGS and LDFLAGS manually prior to running configure so that it is able to detect ffmpeg libraries.

For example, if ffmpeg was built with x264 and mp3 encoder support, you will need to pass additional -lx264 -lmp3lame``flags when linking libavformat. With manual checking in the configure script, the ``AC_CHECK_LIB(avformat) would not be able to detect that it needs to add -lx264 -lmp3lame as the dependency, hence you need to put this in the LDFLAGS prior to running configure.

Features Customization

Configuration/customization can be specified as configure arguments. The list of customizable features can be viewed by running ./configure --help command:

$ cd pjproject
$ ./configure --help

The following shows output from PJSIP version 2.13:

Optional Features:
   --disable-option-checking  ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
   --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
   --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
   --disable-libuuid       Exclude libuuid(default: autodetect)
                           Disable floating point where possible
   --enable-kqueue         Use kqueue ioqueue on macos/BSD (experimental)
   --enable-epoll          Use /dev/epoll ioqueue on Linux (experimental)
   --enable-shared         Build shared libraries
   --disable-pjsua2        Exclude pjsua2 library and application from the
   --disable-upnp          Disable UPnP (default: not disabled)
   --disable-resample      Disable resampling implementations
   --disable-sound         Exclude sound (i.e. use null sound)
   --disable-video         Disable video feature
   --enable-ext-sound      PJMEDIA will not provide any sound device backend
   --disable-small-filter  Exclude small filter in resampling
   --disable-large-filter  Exclude large filter in resampling
   --disable-speex-aec     Exclude Speex Acoustic Echo Canceller/AEC
   --disable-g711-codec    Exclude G.711 codecs from the build
   --disable-l16-codec     Exclude Linear/L16 codec family from the build
   --disable-gsm-codec     Exclude GSM codec in the build
   --disable-g722-codec    Exclude G.722 codec in the build
   --disable-g7221-codec   Exclude G.7221 codec in the build
   --disable-speex-codec   Exclude Speex codecs in the build
   --disable-ilbc-codec    Exclude iLBC codec in the build
   --enable-libsamplerate  Link with libsamplerate when available.
   --enable-resample-dll   Build libresample as shared library
   --enable-speex-resample Enable Speex resample
   --disable-sdl           Disable SDL (default: not disabled)
   --disable-ffmpeg        Disable ffmpeg (default: not disabled)
   --disable-v4l2          Disable Video4Linux2 (default: not disabled)
   --disable-openh264      Disable OpenH264 (default: not disabled)
   --disable-vpx           Disable VPX (default: not disabled)
   --enable-ipp            Enable Intel IPP support. Specify the Intel IPP
                           package and samples location using IPPROOT and
                           IPPSAMPLES env var or with --with-ipp and
                           --with-ipp-samples options
                           Exclude Android MediaCodec (default: autodetect)
   --disable-darwin-ssl    Exclude Darwin SSL (default: autodetect)
   --disable-ssl           Exclude SSL support the build (default: autodetect)

   --disable-opencore-amr  Exclude OpenCORE AMR support from the build
                           (default: autodetect)

   --disable-silk          Exclude SILK support from the build (default:

   --disable-opus          Exclude OPUS support from the build (default:

   --disable-bcg729        Disable bcg729 (default: not disabled)
   --disable-libsrtp       Exclude libsrtp in the build
   --disable-libyuv        Exclude libyuv in the build
   --disable-libwebrtc     Exclude libwebrtc in the build
   --enable-libwebrtc-aec3 Build libwebrtc-aec3 that's included in PJSIP

Optional Packages:
   --with-PACKAGE[=ARG]    use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
   --without-PACKAGE       do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
   --with-upnp=DIR         Specify alternate libupnp prefix
   --with-external-speex   Use external Speex development files, not the one in
                           "third_party" directory. When this option is set,
                           make sure that Speex is accessible to use (hint: use
                           CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env var to set the include/lib
   --with-external-gsm     Use external GSM codec library, not the one in
                           "third_party" directory. When this option is set,
                           make sure that the GSM include/lib files are
                           accessible to use (hint: use CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env
                           var to set the include/lib paths)
   --with-external-srtp    Use external SRTP development files, not the one in
                           "third_party" directory. When this option is set,
                           make sure that SRTP is accessible to use (hint: use
                           CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env var to set the include/lib
   --with-external-yuv     Use external libyuv development files, not the one
                           in "third_party" directory. When this option is set,
                           make sure that libyuv is accessible to use (hint:
                           use CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env var to set the
                           include/lib paths)
   --with-external-webrtc  Use external webrtc development files, not the one
                           in "third_party" directory. When this option is set,
                           make sure that webrtc is accessible to use (hint:
                           use CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env var to set the
                           include/lib paths)
                           Use external webrtc AEC3 development files, not the
                           one in "third_party" directory. When this option is
                           set, make sure that webrtc is accessible to use
                           (hint: use CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env var to set the
                           include/lib paths)
   --with-external-pa      Use external PortAudio development files. When this
                           option is set, make sure that PortAudio is
                           accessible to use (hint: use CFLAGS and LDFLAGS env
                           var to set the include/lib paths)
   --with-oboe             Enable Android Oboe audio device backend.
   --with-sdl=DIR          Specify alternate libSDL prefix
   --with-ffmpeg=DIR       Specify alternate FFMPEG prefix
   --with-openh264=DIR     Specify alternate OpenH264 prefix
   --with-vpx=DIR          Specify alternate VPX prefix
   --with-ipp=DIR          Specify the Intel IPP location
   --with-ipp-samples=DIR  Specify the Intel IPP samples location
   --with-ipp-arch=ARCH    Specify the Intel IPP ARCH suffix, e.g. "64" or
                           "em64t. Default is blank for IA32"
   --with-ssl=DIR          Specify alternate SSL library prefix. This option
                           will try to find OpenSSL first, then if not found,
                           GnuTLS. To skip OpenSSL finding, use --with-gnutls
                           option instead.
   --with-gnutls=DIR       Specify alternate GnuTLS prefix
                           This option is obsolete and replaced by
   --with-opencore-amr=DIR Specify alternate libopencore-amr prefix
                           Specify alternate libvo-amrwbenc prefix
   --with-silk=DIR         Specify alternate SILK prefix
   --with-opus=DIR         Specify alternate OPUS prefix
   --with-bcg729=DIR       Specify alternate bcg729 prefix

Configuring Debug Version and Other Customizations

The configure script accepts standard customization, which details can be obtained by executing ./configure --help.

Below is an example of specifying CFLAGS in configure:

$ ./configure CFLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -msoft-float -fno-builtin"

Configuring TLS Support


Cross Compilation


Cross compilation should be supported, using the usual autoconf syntax:

$ ./configure --host=arm-elf-linux

Since cross-compilation is not tested as often as the “normal” build, please watch for the ./configure output for incorrect settings (well ideally this should be done for normal build too).

Please refer to Porting Guide for further information about porting PJ software.

Building for MacOS x86_64 on MacOS M1

Run configure script:

$ CFLAGS="-arch x86_64" LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64" ./configure --host=x86_64-apple-darwin

Building for MacOS M1 on MacOS x86_64

Run configure script:

$ CFLAGS="-arch arm64" LDFLAGS="-arch arm64" ./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin

Running make

Once the configure script completes successfully, start the build process by invoking these commands:

$ cd pjproject
$ make dep
$ make


gmake may need to be specified instead of make for some hosts to invoke GNU make instead of the native make.

Description of all make targets supported by the Makefile’s:


The default (or first) target to build the libraries/binaries.

dep, depend

Build dependencies rule from the source files.


Clean the object files for current target, but keep the output library/binary files intact.

distclean, realclean

Remove all generated files (object, libraries, binaries, and dependency files) for current target.


make can be invoked either in the top-level PJ directory or in build directory under each project to build only the particular project.

Build Customizations

Build features can be customized by specifying the options when running ./configure as described in Running Configure above.

In addition, additional CFLAGS and LDFLAGS options can be put in user.mak file in PJ root directory (this file may need to be created if it doesn’t exist). See an example in user.mak.sample file:

export CFLAGS += -msoft-float -fno-builtin
export LDFLAGS +=

Optional: Installing PJSIP

Run make install to install the header and library files to the target directory. The default target directory can be customized by specifying --prefix=DIR option to configure script.

$ make install