Creating your own application

Creating your own application

Creating your own Android SIP application based on PJSIP typically involves the following steps.

  1. We assume that PJSIP native libraries have been built by following the previous guide in Configure and build PJSIP for Android, including the JNI (SWIG) interface.

  2. Create Android application outside the PJSIP sources for your project.

  3. Copy and to your jniLibs/$ARCH directory:

    $ cd $YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/app/src/main/jniLibs
    $ cp -r $PJSIP_DIR/pjsip-apps/src/swig/java/android/pjsua2/src/main/jniLibs/* .
    $ ls -R
  4. You will see the third party libs (OpenSSL, Oboe) in the ls output above if you have followed the previous tutorial to develop the sample Java application. If you only see and, follow the guide in Copy third party native libraries. After that, you should see the jniLibs contents like above.

  5. Copy pjsua2 Java interface files from pjsip-apps/src/swig/java/android/app/src/main/java to your project’s app/src/main/java folder, e.g:

    $ cd $YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/app/src/main/java
    $ cp -r $PJSIP_DIR/pjsip-apps/src/swig/java/android/app/src/main/java/* .
    # check
    $ ls
    # Cleanup excess pjsua2 application sources.
    $ rm -r org/pjsip/pjsua2/app
  6. Start writing your application, by following these guides:

Adding Video Capture Device to Your Application

Copy the java part of PJSIP Android capture device to the application’s source directory:

cp pjmedia/src/pjmedia-videodev/android/PjCamera*.java [your_app]/src/org/pjsip/

Since 2.12, the capture device uses Camera2 API (see also #2797 for more info), application need to configure the CameraManager instance in PjCameraInfo2 before using the camera, e.g:

@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
   CameraManager cm = (CameraManager)getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);

Using Video API

Please check Working with Video (PJSUA2 Guide).

Video capture orientation support

To send video in the proper orientation (i.e. head always up regardless of the device orientation), application needs to do the following:

  1. Setup the application to get orientation change notification (by adding android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize" in the application manifest file and override the callback onConfigurationChanged()).

  2. Inside the callback, call PJSUA2 API VidDevManager::setCaptureOrient() to set the video device to the correct orientation.

For sample usage, please refer to pjsua2 sample app. Ticket #1861 explains this feature in detail.

Installing additional components

Installing OpenH264 (optional)

Note that OpenH264 is optional because native H.264 codec is already provided by Android H.264, VP8, VP9 (native).

  1. Build OpenH264 for Android. See OpenH264 for more information.

  2. Run configure-android with specifying OpenH264 directory, e.g.:

    $ ./configure-android --with-openh264=/Users/me/openh264/android
  3. Make sure openh264 is detected:

    Using OpenH264 prefix... /Users/me/openh264/android
    checking OpenH264 availability... ok


    If you use PJSIP before version 2.6, you need to specify external libyuv via the configure script param --with-libyuv, check #1776 for more info.

  4. Copy all library’s .so files into your Android application’s jniLibs/$ARCH directory, as explained in Copy third party native libraries. For example:

    $ cd pjsip-apps/src/swig/java/android/pjsua2/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a
    $ cp /Users/me/openh264/android/*.so .