Circular buffer manages read and write contiguous audio samples in a non-contiguous buffer as if the buffer were contiguous. This should give better performance than keeping contiguous samples in a contiguous buffer, since read/write operations will only update the pointers, instead of shifting audio samples.
This section describes PJMEDIA’s implementation of circular buffer.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_create(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned capacity, pjmedia_circ_buf **p_cb)
Create the circular buffer.
- Parameters:
pool – Pool where the circular buffer will be allocated from.
capacity – Capacity of the buffer, in samples.
p_cb – Pointer to receive the circular buffer instance.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS if the circular buffer has been created successfully, otherwise the appropriate error will be returned.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_reset(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf)
Reset the circular buffer.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS when successful.
unsigned pjmedia_circ_buf_get_len(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf)
Get the circular buffer length, it is number of samples buffered in the circular buffer.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
- Returns:
The buffer length.
void pjmedia_circ_buf_set_len(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, unsigned len)
Set circular buffer length. This is useful when audio buffer is manually manipulated by the user, e.g: shrinked, expanded.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
len – The new buffer length.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_adv_read_ptr(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, unsigned count)
Advance the read pointer of circular buffer. This function will discard the skipped samples while advancing the read pointer, thus reducing the buffer length.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
count – Distance from current read pointer, can only be possitive number, in samples.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise the appropriate error will be returned.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_adv_write_ptr(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, unsigned count)
Advance the write pointer of circular buffer. Since write pointer is always pointing to a sample after the end of sample, so this function also means increasing the buffer length.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
count – Distance from current write pointer, can only be possitive number, in samples.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise the appropriate error will be returned.
void pjmedia_circ_buf_get_read_regions(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, pj_int16_t **reg1, unsigned *reg1_len, pj_int16_t **reg2, unsigned *reg2_len)
Get the real buffer addresses containing the audio samples.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
reg1 – Pointer to store the first buffer address.
reg1_len – Pointer to store the length of the first buffer, in samples.
reg2 – Pointer to store the second buffer address.
reg2_len – Pointer to store the length of the second buffer, in samples.
void pjmedia_circ_buf_get_write_regions(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, pj_int16_t **reg1, unsigned *reg1_len, pj_int16_t **reg2, unsigned *reg2_len)
Get the real buffer addresses that is empty or writeable.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
reg1 – Pointer to store the first buffer address.
reg1_len – Pointer to store the length of the first buffer, in samples.
reg2 – Pointer to store the second buffer address.
reg2_len – Pointer to store the length of the second buffer, in samples.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_read(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, pj_int16_t *data, unsigned count)
Read audio samples from the circular buffer.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
data – Buffer to store the read audio samples.
count – Number of samples being read.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise the appropriate error will be returned.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_write(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, pj_int16_t *data, unsigned count)
Write audio samples to the circular buffer.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
data – Audio samples to be written.
count – Number of samples being written.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise the appropriate error will be returned.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_copy(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf, unsigned start_idx, pj_int16_t *data, unsigned count)
Copy audio samples from the circular buffer without changing its state.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
start_idx – Starting sample index to be copied.
data – Buffer to store the read audio samples.
count – Number of samples being read.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise the appropriate error will be returned.
pj_status_t pjmedia_circ_buf_pack_buffer(pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf)
Pack the buffer so the first sample will be in the beginning of the buffer. This will also make the buffer contiguous.
- Parameters:
circbuf – The circular buffer.
- Returns:
PJ_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise the appropriate error will be returned.
struct pjmedia_circ_buf
- #include <circbuf.h>
Circular buffer structure
Public Members
pj_int16_t *buf
The buffer
unsigned capacity
Buffer capacity, in samples
pj_int16_t *start
Pointer to the first sample
unsigned len
Audio samples length, in samples
pj_int16_t *buf