Group PJSUA2_Call_Data_Structure
- group PJSUA2_Call_Data_Structure
typedef void *MediaTransport
Media transport, corresponds to pjmedia_transport
typedef std::vector<CallMediaInfo> CallMediaInfoVector
Array of call media info
struct MathStat
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure describes statistics state.
Public Functions
Default constructor
void fromPj(const pj_math_stat &prm)
Convert from pjsip
struct LossType
- #include <call.hpp>
Types of loss detected.
struct RtcpStreamStat
- #include <call.hpp>
Unidirectional RTP stream statistics.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stream_stat &prm)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
unsigned updateCount
Number of updates (to calculate avg)
unsigned pkt
Total number of packets
unsigned bytes
Total number of payload/bytes
unsigned discard
Total number of discarded packets.
unsigned loss
Total number of packets lost
unsigned reorder
Total number of out of order packets
unsigned dup
Total number of duplicates packets
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stream_stat &prm)
struct RtcpSdes
- #include <call.hpp>
RTCP SDES structure.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_sdes &prm)
Convert from pjsip
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_sdes &prm)
struct RtcpStat
- #include <call.hpp>
Bidirectional RTP stream statistics.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stat &prm)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
RtcpStreamStat txStat
Encoder stream statistics.
RtcpStreamStat rxStat
Decoder stream statistics.
pj_uint32_t rtpTxLastTs
Last TX RTP timestamp.
pj_uint16_t rtpTxLastSeq
Last TX RTP sequence.
MathStat rxIpdvUsec
Statistics of IP packet delay variation in receiving direction. It is only used when PJMEDIA_RTCP_STAT_HAS_IPDV is set to non-zero.
void fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stat &prm)
struct JbufState
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure describes jitter buffer state.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_jb_state &prm)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
unsigned frameSize
Individual frame size, in bytes.
unsigned minPrefetch
Minimum allowed prefetch, in frms.
unsigned maxPrefetch
Maximum allowed prefetch, in frms.
unsigned burst
Current burst level, in frames
unsigned prefetch
Current prefetch value, in frames
unsigned size
Current buffer size, in frames.
unsigned avgDelayMsec
Average delay, in ms.
unsigned minDelayMsec
Minimum delay, in ms.
unsigned maxDelayMsec
Maximum delay, in ms.
unsigned devDelayMsec
Standard deviation of delay, in ms.
unsigned avgBurst
Average burst, in frames.
unsigned lost
Number of lost frames.
unsigned discard
Number of discarded frames.
unsigned empty
Number of empty on GET events.
void fromPj(const pjmedia_jb_state &prm)
struct SdpSession
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure describes SDP session description. It corresponds to the pjmedia_sdp_session structure.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_sdp_session &sdp)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
string wholeSdp
The whole SDP as a string.
void *pjSdpSession
Pointer to its original pjmedia_sdp_session. Only valid when the struct is converted from PJSIP’s pjmedia_sdp_session.
void fromPj(const pjmedia_sdp_session &sdp)
struct MediaTransportInfo
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure describes media transport informations. It corresponds to the pjmedia_transport_info structure. The address name field can be empty string if the address in the pjmedia_transport_info is invalid.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjmedia_transport_info &info)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
SocketAddress localRtpName
Address to be advertised as the local address for the RTP socket, which does not need to be equal as the bound address (for example, this address can be the address resolved with STUN).
SocketAddress localRtcpName
Address to be advertised as the local address for the RTCP socket, which does not need to be equal as the bound address (for example, this address can be the address resolved with STUN).
SocketAddress srcRtpName
Remote address where RTP originated from. This can be empty string if no data is received from the remote.
SocketAddress srcRtcpName
Remote address where RTCP originated from. This can be empty string if no data is recevied from the remote.
void fromPj(const pjmedia_transport_info &info)
struct CallSetting
- #include <call.hpp>
Call settings.
Public Functions
CallSetting(bool useDefaultValues = false)
Default constructor initializes with empty or default values.
bool isEmpty() const
Check if the settings are set with empty values.
- Returns:
True if the settings are empty.
void fromPj(const pjsua_call_setting &prm)
Convert from pjsip
pjsua_call_setting toPj() const
Convert to pjsip
Public Members
unsigned flag
Bitmask of pjsua_call_flag constants.
unsigned reqKeyframeMethod
This flag controls what methods to request keyframe are allowed on the call. Value is bitmask of pjsua_vid_req_keyframe_method.
unsigned audioCount
Number of simultaneous active audio streams for this call. Setting this to zero will disable audio in this call.
Default: 1
unsigned videoCount
Number of simultaneous active video streams for this call. Setting this to zero will disable video in this call.
Default: 1 (if video feature is enabled, otherwise it is zero)
MediaDirVector mediaDir
Media direction. This setting will only be used if the flag PJSUA_CALL_SET_MEDIA_DIR is set, and it will persist for subsequent offers or answers. For example, a media that is set as PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING can only mark the stream in the SDP as sendonly or inactive, but will not become sendrecv in subsequent offers and answers. Application can update the media direction in any API or callback that accepts CallSetting as a parameter, such as via Call::reinvite/update() or in onCallRxOffer/Reinvite() callback.
The index of the media dir will correspond to the provisional media in CallInfo.provMedia. For offers that involve adding new medias (such as initial offer), the index will correspond to all new audio media first, then video. For example, for a new call with 2 audios and 1 video, mediaDir[0] and mediaDir[1] will be for the audios, and mediaDir[2] video.
Default: empty vector
string customCallId
User defined Call-ID to be sent out with outgoing INVITE.
Note: It is up to the developer to verify uniqueness of the Call-ID as there will be no verification. The developer must change the Call-ID between calls creating a unique id for each outgoing call.
This setting will only be used when creating a new outgoing call via Call::makeCall().
CallSetting(bool useDefaultValues = false)
struct CallMediaInfo
- #include <call.hpp>
Call media information.
Application can query conference bridge port of this media using Call::getAudioMedia() if the media type is audio, or Call::getEncodingVideoMedia() / Call::getDecodingVideoMedia() if the media type is video.
Public Functions
Default constructor
void fromPj(const pjsua_call_media_info &prm)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
pjmedia_type type
Media type.
pjmedia_dir dir
Media direction.
pjsua_call_media_status status
Call media status.
int audioConfSlot
Warning: this is deprecated, application can query conference bridge port of this media using Call::getAudioMedia().
The conference port number for the call. Only valid if the media type is audio.
pjsua_vid_win_id videoIncomingWindowId
The window id for incoming video, if any, or PJSUA_INVALID_ID. Only valid if the media type is video.
VideoWindow videoWindow
The video window instance for incoming video. Only valid if videoIncomingWindowId is not PJSUA_INVALID_ID and the media type is video.
pjmedia_vid_dev_index videoCapDev
The video capture device for outgoing transmission, if any, or PJMEDIA_VID_INVALID_DEV. Only valid if the media type is video.
struct CallInfo
- #include <call.hpp>
Call information. Application can query the call information by calling Call::getInfo().
Public Functions
inline CallInfo()
Default constructor
void fromPj(const pjsua_call_info &pci)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
pjsua_call_id id
Call identification.
pjsip_role_e role
Initial call role (UAC == caller)
pjsua_acc_id accId
The account ID where this call belongs.
string localUri
Local URI
string localContact
Local Contact
string remoteUri
Remote URI
string remoteContact
Remote contact
string callIdString
Dialog Call-ID string.
CallSetting setting
Call setting
pjsip_inv_state state
Call state
string stateText
Text describing the state
pjsip_status_code lastStatusCode
Last status code heard, which can be used as cause code
string lastReason
The reason phrase describing the last status.
CallMediaInfoVector media
Array of active media information.
CallMediaInfoVector provMedia
Array of provisional media information. This contains the media info in the provisioning state, that is when the media session is being created/updated (SDP offer/answer is on progress).
bool remOfferer
Flag if remote was SDP offerer
unsigned remAudioCount
Number of audio streams offered by remote
unsigned remVideoCount
Number of video streams offered by remote
inline CallInfo()
struct StreamInfo
- #include <call.hpp>
Media stream info.
Public Functions
inline StreamInfo()
Default constructor
void fromPj(const pjsua_stream_info &info)
Convert from pjsip
Public Members
pjmedia_type type
Media type of this stream.
pjmedia_tp_proto proto
Transport protocol (RTP/AVP, etc.)
pjmedia_dir dir
Media direction.
SocketAddress remoteRtpAddress
Remote RTP address
SocketAddress remoteRtcpAddress
Optional remote RTCP address
unsigned txPt
Outgoing codec payload type.
unsigned rxPt
Incoming codec payload type.
int audTxEventPt
Outgoing pt for audio telephone-events.
int audRxEventPt
Incoming pt for audio telephone-events.
string codecName
Codec name.
unsigned codecClockRate
Codec clock rate.
CodecParam audCodecParam
Optional audio codec param.
VidCodecParam vidCodecParam
Optional video codec param.
int jbInit
Jitter buffer init delay in msec.
int jbMinPre
Jitter buffer minimum prefetch delay in msec.
int jbMaxPre
Jitter buffer maximum prefetch delay in msec.
int jbMax
Jitter buffer max delay in msec.
pjmedia_jb_discard_algo jbDiscardAlgo
Jitter buffer discard algorithm.
bool rtcpSdesByeDisabled
Disable automatic sending of RTCP SDES and BYE.
inline StreamInfo()
struct StreamStat
- #include <call.hpp>
Media stream statistic.
Public Functions
void fromPj(const pjsua_stream_stat &prm)
Convert from pjsip
void fromPj(const pjsua_stream_stat &prm)
struct OnCallStateParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallState() callback.
struct OnCallTsxStateParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTsxState() callback.
struct OnCallMediaStateParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallMediaState() callback.
struct OnCallSdpCreatedParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallSdpCreated() callback.
Public Members
SdpSession sdp
The SDP has just been created.
SdpSession remSdp
The remote SDP, will be empty if local is SDP offerer.
SdpSession sdp
struct OnStreamPreCreateParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onStreamPreCreate() callback.
Public Members
unsigned streamIdx
Stream index in the media session, read-only.
StreamInfo streamInfo
Parameters that the stream will be created from.
unsigned streamIdx
struct OnStreamCreatedParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onStreamCreated() callback.
Public Members
MediaStream stream
Audio media stream, read-only.
unsigned streamIdx
Stream index in the audio media session, read-only.
bool destroyPort
Specify if PJSUA2 should take ownership of the port returned in the pPort parameter below. If set to true, pjmedia_port_destroy() will be called on the port when it is no longer needed.
Default: false
MediaStream stream
struct OnStreamDestroyedParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onStreamDestroyed() callback.
Public Members
MediaStream stream
Audio media stream.
unsigned streamIdx
Stream index in the audio media session.
MediaStream stream
struct OnDtmfDigitParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onDtmfDigit() callback.
Public Members
pjsua_dtmf_method method
DTMF sending method.
string digit
unsigned duration
DTMF signal duration. If the duration is unknown, this value is set to PJSUA_UNKNOWN_DTMF_DURATION.
pjsua_dtmf_method method
struct OnDtmfEventParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onDtmfEvent() callback.
Public Members
pjsua_dtmf_method method
DTMF sending method.
unsigned timestamp
The timestamp identifying the begin of the event. Timestamp units are expressed in milliseconds. Note that this value should only be used to compare multiple events received via the same method relatively to each other, as the time-base is randomized.
string digit
unsigned duration
DTMF signal duration in milliseconds. Interpretation of the duration depends on the flag PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_END. depends on the method. If the method is PJSUA_DTMF_METHOD_SIP_INFO, this contains the total duration of the DTMF signal or PJSUA_UNKNOWN_DTMF_DURATION if no signal duration was indicated. If the method is PJSUA_DTMF_METHOD_RFC2833, this contains the total duration of the DTMF signal received up to this point in time.
unsigned flags
Flags indicating additional information about the DTMF event. If PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_UPDATE is set, the event was already indicated earlier. The new indication contains an updated event duration. If PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_END is set, the event has ended and this indication contains the final event duration. Note that end indications might get lost. Hence it is not guaranteed to receive an event with PJMEDIA_STREAM_DTMF_IS_END for every event.
pjsua_dtmf_method method
struct OnCallTransferRequestParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTransferRequest() callback.
Public Members
string dstUri
The destination where the call will be transferred to.
pjsip_status_code statusCode
Status code to be returned for the call transfer request. On input, it contains status code 202.
CallSetting opt
The current call setting, application can update this setting for the call being transferred.
string dstUri
struct OnCallTransferStatusParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTransferStatus() callback.
Public Members
pjsip_status_code statusCode
Status progress of the transfer request.
string reason
Status progress reason.
bool finalNotify
If true, no further notification will be reported. The statusCode specified in this callback is the final status.
bool cont
Initially will be set to true, application can set this to false if it no longer wants to receive further notification (for example, after it hangs up the call).
pjsip_status_code statusCode
struct OnCallReplaceRequestParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallReplaceRequest() callback.
Public Members
pjsip_status_code statusCode
Status code to be set by application. Application should only return a final status (>= PJSIP_SC_OK (200))
string reason
Optional status text to be set by application.
CallSetting opt
The current call setting, application can update this setting for the call being replaced.
pjsip_status_code statusCode
struct OnCallReplacedParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallReplaced() callback.
Public Members
pjsua_call_id newCallId
The new call id.
pjsua_call_id newCallId
struct OnCallRxOfferParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallRxOffer() callback.
Public Members
SdpSession offer
The new offer received.
pjsip_status_code statusCode
Status code to be returned for answering the offer. On input, it contains status code PJSIP_SC_OK (200). Currently, valid values are only PJSIP_SC_OK (200) and PJSIP_SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HERE (488).
CallSetting opt
The current call setting, application can update this setting for answering the offer.
SdpSession offer
struct OnCallRxReinviteParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallRxReinvite() callback.
Public Members
SdpSession offer
The new offer received.
bool isAsync
On input, it is false. Set to true if app wants to manually answer the re-INVITE.
pjsip_status_code statusCode
Status code to be returned for answering the offer. On input, it contains status code PJSIP_SC_OK (200). Currently, valid values are only PJSIP_SC_OK (200) and PJSIP_SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HERE (488).
CallSetting opt
The current call setting, application can update this setting for answering the offer.
SdpSession offer
struct OnCallTxOfferParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallTxOffer() callback.
Public Members
CallSetting opt
The current call setting, application can update this setting for generating the offer. Note that application should maintain any active media to avoid the need for the peer to reject the offer.
CallSetting opt
struct OnCallRedirectedParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallRedirected() callback.
Public Members
string targetUri
The current target to be tried.
SipEvent e
The event that caused this callback to be called. This could be the receipt of 3xx response, or 4xx/5xx response received for the INVITE sent to subsequent targets, or empty (e.type == PJSIP_EVENT_UNKNOWN) if this callback is called from within Call::processRedirect() context.
string targetUri
struct OnCallMediaEventParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallMediaEvent() callback.
struct OnCallMediaTransportStateParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCallMediaTransportState() callback.
Public Members
unsigned medIdx
The media index.
pjsua_med_tp_st state
The media transport state
pj_status_t status
The last error code related to the media transport state.
int sipErrorCode
Optional SIP error code.
unsigned medIdx
struct OnCreateMediaTransportParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCreateMediaTransport() callback.
Public Members
unsigned mediaIdx
The media index in the SDP for which this media transport will be used.
MediaTransport mediaTp
The media transport which otherwise will be used by the call has this callback not been implemented. Application can change this to its own instance of media transport to be used by the call.
unsigned flags
Bitmask from pjsua_create_media_transport_flag.
unsigned mediaIdx
struct OnCreateMediaTransportSrtpParam
- #include <call.hpp>
This structure contains parameters for Call::onCreateMediaTransportSrtp() callback.
Public Members
unsigned mediaIdx
The media index in the SDP for which the SRTP media transport will be used.
pjmedia_srtp_use srtpUse
Specify whether secure media transport should be used. Application can modify this only for initial INVITE. Valid values are PJMEDIA_SRTP_DISABLED, PJMEDIA_SRTP_OPTIONAL, and PJMEDIA_SRTP_MANDATORY.
SrtpCryptoVector cryptos
Application can modify this to specify the cryptos and keys which are going to be used.
unsigned mediaIdx
typedef void *MediaTransport