
Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) is a profile of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) to provide confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to the RTP/RTCP traffic. SRTP is an IETF Standard, defined in RFC 3711.

In PJSIP, SRTP support is included in version 0.9 (see ticket #61). SRTP is implemented by means of Transport Adapter.


The SRTP functionality in PJSIP has the following features:

  • SRTP (RFC 3711), using the Open Source libsrtp library.

  • Keys exchange using Security Descriptions for Media Streams (SDESC, RFC 4568)

  • Supported cryptos:

    • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80

    • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32

    • AES_256_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80

    • AES_256_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80

    • AES_192_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80 [1]

    • AES_192_CM_HMAC_SHA1_32 [1]

    • AEAD_AES_256_GCM [2]

    • AEAD_AES_256_GCM_8 [2]

    • AEAD_AES_128_GCM [2]

    • AEAD_AES_128_GCM_8 [2]

  • Secure RTCP (SRTCP) is supported.

Negotiation of crypto session parameters in SDP is currently not supported.


SRTP feature in PJSIP uses the Open Source libsrtp library from Cisco Systems, Inc. Copy of libsrtp is included in PJSIP source tree in third_party/srtp directory. There is no other software to download.

libsrtp is distributed under BSD-like license, you must satisfy the license requirements if you incorporate SRTP in your application. Please see 3rd Party Licensing page for more information.

How to integrate

There is a new third party library in the distribution, namely libsrtp, you will need to add this library into your application’s input libraries specification.

For GNU build systems

  1. You will need to re-run ./configure, make dep and make to update build.mak and rebuild the project dependencies.

  2. If your Makefile includes build.mak , you just need to rebuild your application as the input libraries will be updated automatically (by build.mak).

  3. If you maintain your own independent Makefile, please add libsrtp-$(TARGET) from third_party/lib directory to your input libraries.

For Visual Studio

  1. New libsrtp project has been added into pjproject Visual Studio workspaces.

  2. If you maintain your own application workspace, you need to add libsrtp project into your application. The libsrtp project files are in third_party/build/srtp directory.

Building PJSIP with SRTP Support


SRTP feature is currently available in:

  • Visual Studio for Windows targets

  • GNU based build system (for Linux, including uC-Linux for embedded systems, Mingw, MacOS X, and *nix based platforms)

  • Windows Mobile targets (deprecated)

  • Symbian targets (deprecated)


libsrtp is always built by default, from third_party/build/srtp directory.

Support for SRTP is enabled by default in PJMEDIA and PJSUA-LIB. To disable this feature, declare PJMEDIA_HAS_SRTP as zero in your config_site.h:


Using SRTP

SRTP is implemented as media transport in PJMEDIA. In the high level PJSUA-LIB, the use of SRTP is controlled by couple of settings as explained below.


In PJSUA-LIB, the use of SRTP is controlled by settings in both pjsua_config and pjsua_acc_config. The settings in pjsua_config specify the default settings for all accounts, and the settings in pjsua_acc_config can be used to further set the behavior for that specific account.

In both pjsua_config and pjsua_acc_config, there are two configuration items related to SRTP:


The pjsua_config::use_srtp and pjsua_acc_config::use_srtp options control whether secure media transport (SRTP) should be used for this account. Valid values are:

  • PJMEDIA_SRTP_DISABLED (0): SRTP is disabled, and incoming call with RTP/SAVP transport will be rejected with 488/Not Acceptable Here response.

  • PJMEDIA_SRTP_OPTIONAL (1): SRTP will be advertised and SRTP will be used if remote supports it, but the call may fall back to unsecure media. Incoming call with RTP/SAVP is accepted and responded with RTP/SAVP too.

  • PJMEDIA_SRTP_MANDATORY (2): secure media is mandatory, and the call can only proceed if secure media can be established.

The default value for this option is PJSUA_DEFAULT_USE_SRTP, which is zero (disabled).


The pjsua_config::srtp_secure_signaling and pjsua_acc_config::srtp_secure_signaling options controls whether SRTP requires secure signaling to be used. This option is only used when use_srtp option above is non-zero. Valid values are:

  • 0: SRTP does not require secure signaling (not recommended)

  • 1: SRTP requires secure transport such as TLS to be used.

  • 2: SRTP requires secure end-to-end transport (sips: URI scheme) to be used.

The default value for this option is PJSUA_DEFAULT_SRTP_SECURE_SIGNALING, which is 1 (require TLS transport).


Two new options were added to pjsua:

  • --use-srtp=N This corresponds to use_srtp setting above. Valid values are 0, 1, or 2. Default value is 0.

  • --srtp-secure=N This corresponds to srtp_secure_signaling setting above. Valid values are 0, 1, or 2. Default value is 1.

Sample usage:

$ ./pjsua --use-tls --use-srtp=1;transport=tls

Using SRTP Transport Directly

The SRTP transport may also be used directly without having to involve SDP negotiations (for example, to use SRTP without SIP). Please see streamutil from the All Samples collection for a sample application. For this to work, you will need to have a different mechanism to exchange keys between endpoints.

To use SRTP transport directly:

AES-GCM support

PJSIP 2.6 enabled the support for AES-GCM (#1943), however the bundled libSRTP (1.5.4) at that time has compatibility issue with OpenSSL 1.1.0. Updating the libSRTP was done in #1993, included in 2.7.

As an alternative to the bundled libSRTP, users are also allowed to use external libSRTP by specifying --with-external-srtp. Using #2050, it’s been tested to work with external libSRTP 1.5.4 and 2.1.0. Note about this option, using libSRTP with AES-GCM would also require the user to enable building pjsip with ssl.