Check audio interconnection in the conference bridge
Use pjsua’s cl
(conference list) command from the pjsua’s menu
to check if the connection is made between the call and the sound device
in the conference bridge.
As an example, consider the following output:
>>> cl
Conference ports:
Port #00[16KHz/10ms] Master/sound transmitting to: #1
Port #01[16KHz/20ms] sip:user@localhost transmitting to: #0
then the call does have bidirectional media flow with the sound
device (the cl
command output above shows that the audio device is
transmitting to the call (port 1) and the call is transmitting to the sound
device (port 0), thus bidirectional media flow between sound device and call is
If you don’t see the bidirectional media flow between sound device and
the call, you can connect them using pjsua’s cc
connect) command as shown in the command sequence below:
>>> cl
Conference ports:
Port #00[16KHz/10ms] Master/sound transmitting to:
Port #01[16KHz/20ms] sip:user@localhost transmitting to:
The above output shows no media flow between call and sound device. The command below will establish unidirectional media flow from the sound device to the call:
>>> cc 0 1
And the command below will establish another unidirectional media flow from the reverse direction, from the call to the sound device:
>>> cc 1 0
Now if we check again the connection status in the conference bridge, you should see this output:
>>> cl
Conference ports:
Port #00[16KHz/10ms] Master/sound transmitting to: #1
Port #01[16KHz/20ms] sip:user@localhost transmitting to: #0