Build Instructions
iOS SDK, part of Xcode.
Command Line Tools for Xcode: download from Apple Developer Downloads then install.
Build Preparation
Getting the source code if you haven’t already.
Set your config_site.h to the following:
#define PJ_CONFIG_IPHONE 1 #include <pj/config_site_sample.h>
This will activate iPhone specific settings in the pjlib/include/pj/config_site_sample.h.
Building PJSIP
Just run:
$ cd /path/to/your/pjsip/dir
$ ./configure-iphone
$ make dep && make clean && make
Open ipjsua.xcodeproj
using Xcode in pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/ios.
If you enable video and use libyuv/libopenh264, add the libraries into the application.
Build the project and run.
You will see telnet instructions on the device’s screen. Telnet to this address to operate the application. See CLI Manual for commands available.
is a wrapper that calls the standard./configure
script with settings suitable for iPhone target.The latest iPhone SDK version will be selected by default. You may change this by setting
environment variable to the desired SDK path. For ipjsua, select Project-Edit Project Settings-Base SDK and Targets-ipjsua-Get Info-Base SDK to change the SDK version.You may pass standard
options to this script too.For more info, run
./configure-iphone --help
Other customizations are similar to what is explained in Building with GNU page.
Supporting multiple architectures (e.g. armv7, arm64)
You need to compile separately for each architecture by setting ARCH
variable to the desired architecture before running configure-iphone
For example:
export ARCH="-arch arm64"
Setting minimum supported iOS version
If you want to specify the minimum supported iOS version, you can set MIN_IOS
environment variable before running configure-iphone
, for example:
export MIN_IOS="-miphoneos-version-min=8.0"
The default setting is iOS 7.0. If you don’t want to specify this flag, you can
to a single space instead (export MIN_IOS=" "
If you don’t set the minimum iOS version, you may encounter linker warning in your XCode app, which may lead to crashes when running on older iOS versions
ld: warning: object file (...) was built for newer iOS version (10.0) than being linked (7.0)
To configure the build system for the iPhone simulator:
export DEVPATH=/Applications/
# arm64 simulator
ARCH="-arch arm64" CFLAGS="-O2 -m64" LDFLAGS="-O2 -m64" MIN_IOS="-mios-simulator-version-min=13.0" ./configure-iphone
# x86_64 simulator
ARCH="-arch x86_64" CFLAGS="-O2 -m64" LDFLAGS="-O2 -m64" MIN_IOS="-mios-simulator-version-min=13.0" ./configure-iphone
# or 32-bit
ARCH="-arch i386" CFLAGS="-O2 -m32" LDFLAGS="-O2 -m32" MIN_IOS="-mios-simulator-version-min=13.0" ./configure-iphone
make dep && make clean && make
The exact paths may vary according to your SDK version.
Creating a framework to support multiple platforms and architectures
For each platform you wish to support, you can combine the PJSIP libraries that were built for different architectures using the lipo command:
# For each architecture, combine the PJSIP libraries into one
libtool -static -o [arch]/libPJSIP.a pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/ios/*.a
# For each platform, combine all the architectures
# Combine iOS armv7 and arm64 build
lipo -arch armv7 ios-armv7/libPJSIP.a -arch arm64 ios-arm64/libPJSIP.a -create -output ios/libPJSIP.a
# Combine iOS Simulator x86_64 and arm64 build
lipo -arch x86_64 sim-x86_64/libPJSIP.a -arch arm64 sim-arm64/libPJSIP.a -create -output sim/libPJSIP.a
# Combine MacOS x86_64 and arm64 build
lipo -arch x86_64 mac-x86_64/libPJSIP.a -arch arm64 mac-arm64/libPJSIP.a -create -output mac/libPJSIP.a
Next, you bundle the resulting libraries above into an XCFramework:
# Delete any existing framework
rm -rf libPJSIP.xcframework
# Put all PJSIP headers into one directory [path_to_PJSIP_headers]
# Create binary framework for iOS, iOS Simulator, and MacOS
xcodebuild -create-xcframework -library ios/libPJSIP.a -headers [path_to_PJSIP_headers] -library sim/libPJSIP.a -headers [path_to_PJSIP_headers] -library mac/libPJSIP.a -headers [path_to_PJSIP_headers] -output libPJSIP.xcframework
As a result, you will get a binary framework with the name libPJSIP.xcframework
that contains the directories ios-arm64_armv7
, ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator
, and macos-arm64_x86_64
To enable bitcode, use the following steps:
In running the configure script, add
, e.g:CFLAGS=-fembed-bitcode ./configure-iphone
.In XCode, ipjsua -> Build Settings, Search “bitcode” -> set “Enable Bitcode” to “Yes”.
Any third-party dependencies, e.g: OpenSSL, will need to be built with bitcode enabled too.
Using PJSIP in your application
To use PJSIP in your application, you need to:
Add the required libraries and frameworks. One way to do this is by drag-and-dropping the libraries and frameworks from our sample app. Then add the library and header search paths in “Build Settings”.
Add the required permissions for camera (if you need video calls) and microphone usages.
in your Xcode’s project config.
PJSIP in Swift application
For Swift app, you need to create a bridging header (click File-New-Objective-C
File, and click Yes when asked to create a bridging header).
In the bridging header file, add all the C headers that you need,
for example: #import <PJSIP/pjsua.h>
You can then directly call any PJSIP C API declared in those headers.
Please check ipjsua-swift.xcodeproj
located in
pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/ios-swift for an example.
If you want to use C++ API such as PJSUA2 however, you need to create your own Objective-C wrapper. For a sample pjsua2-Swift app, please check pjsip-apps/src/pjsua2/ios-swift-pjsua2.
The Swift sample apps require video support.
Video Support
Some of the highlighted features include:
native H.264 or via OpenH264 (see below)
OpenH264 or VideoToolbox (if you need H264 codec, choose one of them)
For OpenH264, see OpenH264
For VideoToolbox (supported since PJSIP version 2.7), define this in your
libvpx (if you need VP8 or VP9 codec)
See See VP8 and VP9 (libvpx)
Sample invocation of ./configure-iphone
$ ./configure-iphone --with-openh264=/Users/me/opt
If you use openh264, make sure it is detected by ./configure-iphone
Set these in your config_site.h:
#include <pj/config_site_sample.h>
Video capture orientation support
To send video in the proper orientation (i.e. head always up regardless of the device orientation), application needs to do the following:
Setup the device to get orientation change notification (by calling the API
and add a callback to receiveUIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification
).Inside the callback, call PJSUA API
pjsua_vid_dev_set_setting(dev_id, PJMEDIA_VID_DEV_CAP_ORIENTATION, &new_orientation, PJ_TRUE)
to set the video device to the correct orientation.
For sample usage, please refer to ipjsuaAppDelegate.m. Ticket #1861 explains this feature in detail.
TLS/OpenSSL Support
Native TLS backend for iOS and MacOS, i.e: using Network framework, is supported, please check #2482 for more info. Note that currently this backend is still in experimental phase.
Alternatively, using OpenSSL backend is also supported. Follow the instructions below to enable TLS transport by using OpenSSL:
Build and install OpenSSL-1.1.x, please check this OpenSSL wiki. For example, to build for arm64 architecture:
export CROSS_TOP=/Applications/ export CROSS_SDK=iPhoneOS11.3.sdk export CC="/Applications/ -arch arm64" ./Configure iphoneos-cross --prefix=/Users/teluu/openssl-1.1.0f-iphone64/arm64 make make install
Specify OpenSSL location when running
, for example: (change the openssl path folder)./configure-iphone --with-ssl=[your_openssl_path]
And check that OpenSSL is detected by the configure script:
... checking for OpenSSL installations.. checking openssl/ssl.h usability... yes checking openssl/ssl.h presence... no aconfigure: WARNING: openssl/ssl.h: accepted by the compiler, rejected by the preprocessor! aconfigure: WARNING: openssl/ssl.h: proceeding with the compiler's result checking for openssl/ssl.h... yes checking for ERR_load_BIO_strings in -lcrypto... yes checking for SSL_library_init in -lssl... yes OpenSSL library found, SSL support enabled ...
Build the libraries:
make dep && make
In XCode project setting of your application (for example, ipjsua), add libssl.a and libcrypto.a from OpenSSL ARM directory to the project’s Libraries:
Group & Files
pane, expandipjsua
, then right clickLibraries
, and selectAdd -> Existing Files...
from OpenSSL ARM directory (for example,${HOME}/openssl/openssl_arm
) and add them to the project.
Build the app