Build Instructions
This page describes how to use Microsoft Visual Studio to build pjsip libraries:
For building with mingw-w64 see Mingw-w64.
PJSIP does not provide DLL projects for Windows, but please see Building Dynamic Link Libraries page in PJLIB documentation on how to build these DLL.
Build Preparation
Getting the source code if you haven’t already.
Customize config_site.h
Host requirements
Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10, or later.
Windows on ARM Support
Please refer to #2807 for more information.
Tools and SDKs
The Visual Studio based project files can be used with one of the following tools:
Microsoft Visual Studio/C++ 2005 (including Express edition),
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. You may need to fix the IP Helper API header bug.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Tested on Professional version, untested on Express version.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 is unsupported as it does not import PJSIP’s VS2005 solution files properly.
In addition, the following SDK’s are needed:
Essential for other than Windows 8/Visual Studio 2012:
DirectX SDK (tested with DirectX version 8 and 9). After installing DirectX, add the include and library paths to Visual Studio.
Optional if not included in Visual Studio:
Platform SDK (tested with Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1).
Optional: one of SSL library, as specified in SSL/TLS (see below for installing OpenSSL)
Installing OpenSSL
To install OpenSSL SDK from the Win32 binary distribution:
Install OpenSSL SDK to any folder (e.g. C:OpenSSL)
Add OpenSSL DLL location to the system PATH.
Add OpenSSL include path to Visual Studio includes search directory. Make sure that OpenSSL header files can be accessed from the program with
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
construct.Add OpenSSL library path to Visual Studio library search directory. Make sure the following libraries are accessible:
libeay32 and ssleay32
You must use the same run-time option for PJSIP and the OpenSSL libraries. If you compile PJSIP with Multithreaded Debug (/MTd), you need to use the same run-time option when compiling the library. Please consult the library’s doc for more details.
Then to enable TLS transport support in PJSIP, please check SSL/TLS.
Video support
Additional requirements
DirectShow SDK, included in Windows SDK. The minimum component required within the SDK is Windows Development Headers and Libraris and Samples.
If you don’t need Windows 7 features, the recommended SDK is Windows SDK Update for Windows Vista.
If you need Windows 7 features then use Windows SDK for Windows 7. Also if you are using Visual Studio 2005 then you will need to patch it using MS Knowledge Base 949009
SDL version 2.0
libyuv (recommended). See libyuv.
OpenH264 (recommended): Follow the instructions in OpenH264.
FFMPEG development library (alternative), see Getting/building ffmpeg on Windows (below) for instructions. If H.263 is not needed, libyuv and OpenH264 can be used instead.
Optional for H.264: libx264. We tested with the latest from git (as of October 2011). In MSYS console:
$ ./configure --enable-static # add options if needed, e.g: optimization, install dir, search path $ make && make install-lib-static # default install dir is /usr/local
Optional for libvpx: libvpx, supported since #2253. In MSYS console:
$ ./configure --target=x86-win32-vs15 --disable-examples --disable-docs --disable-tools --disable-examples --enable-static --enable-vp8 --enable-vp9 --enable-static-msvcrt # add options if needed, e.g: optimization, install dir, search path $ make #Generate Visual Studio solution #Build the static library using Visual Studio solution
Optional: Qt development SDK for building the video GUI sample. We tested with version 4.6 or later.
without this you can still enjoy video with pjsua console application
Getting/building ffmpeg on Windows
FFMPEG is used for format conversion and video manipulation as well as video codecs such as H.264 (together with libx264) and H263P/H263-1998. If H.263 is not needed, libyuv AND OpenH264 can be used instead.
PJMEDIA by default supports FFMPEG version 2.8 or newer (see #1897). Using older version of FFMPEG is possible, see the ticket for information.
For H.264 support, you need newer releases (October 2011 onwards), and it needs libz too.
You may be able to use the binary distributions (such as from Zeranoe - get the ‘dev’ builds). It compiles fine, however we haven’t tested them thoroughly.
For building FFMPEG on Windows, use MSYS|MinGW. Please see Mingw-w64.
It is recommended to use gcc 4 or above to build ffmpeg.
To avoid problems, put MSYS, libx264, and ffmpeg in folders that do not contain space, e.g: C:\msys, C:\devlib\ffmpeg.
To use ffmpeg with VS, inttypes.h and stdint.h will be needed, check here.
Configure and build:
$ ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static $ make && make install
If H.264 support is needed:
$ ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 $ make && make install
Additional configuration
Add include and library paths for the required components:
DirectShow SDK
Add these to your
For ffmpeg (optional): add the include and library paths, also add this to your
For libvpx (optional): add the include and library paths, also add this to your
:#define PJMEDIA_HAS_VPX_CODEC 1 //by default VP8 codec is enabled #define PJMEDIA_HAS_VPX_CODEC_VP9 1 //enable VP9 codec
Building the Projects
Follow the steps below to build the libraries/application using Visual Studio:
For Visual Studio 8 (VS 2005): open
solution file.For Visual Studio 9 (VS 2008): open
solution file. One-time conversion of projects to VS 2008 format will done automatically.For Visual Studio 11 (VS 2012): open
solution file. One-time conversion of projects to VS 2012 format will done automatically.Warnings about Windows Mobile projects/configurations can be safely ignored, VS 2012 does not support Windows Mobile
Additional tips from pjsip mailing list
For Visual Studio 14 (VS 2015): open
solution file.For Visual Studio 15 (VS 2017): open
solution file.For Visual Studio 16 (VS 2019): open
solution file.Set
as Active or Startup Project.Set
as the platform.Select
build as appropriate.Build the project. This will build
application and all libraries needed bypjsua
.After successful build, the pjsua application will be placed in
directory, and the libraries in lib directory under each projects.
To build the samples:
(Still using the same workspace)
Set samples project as Active Project
Select Debug or Release build as appropriate. The complete list of build configuration:
multithreaded, statically linked with LIBC, debug (i.e. the /MTd flag).
multithreaded, dynamically linked with MSVCRT, release (i.e. the /MD flag).
multithreaded, statically linked with LIBC, debug (i.e. the /MTd flag).
multithreaded, dynamically linked with MSVCRT, debug (i.e. the /MDd flag).
multithreaded, statically linked with LIBC, release (i.e. the /MT flag).
multithreaded, dynamically linked with MSVCRT, release (i.e. the /MD flag).
Build the project. This will build all sample applications and all libraries needed.
After successful build, the sample applications will be placed in
directory, and the libraries in lib directory under each projects.
Debugging Sample Applications
Sample applications are built using Samples.mak makefile, therefore it is difficult to setup debugging session in Visual Studio for these applications.
To solve this issue, the pjsip_apps workspace contain one project called
which can be used to debug a sample application.
To setup debugging using sample_debug
Set sample_debug project as Active Project
Edit debug.c file inside this project.
Modify the #include line to include the particular sample application to debug
Select Debug build.
Build and debug the project.