Event State Publication Clien.



Expiration not specified.


typedef struct pjsip_publishc pjsip_publishc

Opaque declaration for client side event publication session.

typedef void pjsip_publishc_cb(struct pjsip_publishc_cbparam *param)

Type declaration for callback to receive publication result.


void pjsip_publishc_opt_default(pjsip_publishc_opt *opt)

Initialize client publication session option with default values.


opt – The option.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_init_module(pjsip_endpoint *endpt)

Initialize client publication module.


endpt – SIP endpoint.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_create(pjsip_endpoint *endpt, const pjsip_publishc_opt *opt, void *token, pjsip_publishc_cb *cb, pjsip_publishc **p_pubc)

Create client publication structure.

  • endpt – Endpoint, used to allocate pool from.

  • opt – Options, or NULL to specify default options.

  • token – Opaque data to be associated with the client publication.

  • cb – Pointer to callback function to receive publication status.

  • p_pubc – Pointer to receive client publication structure.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_destroy(pjsip_publishc *pubc)

Destroy client publication structure. If a publication transaction is in progress, then the structure will be deleted only after a final response has been received, and in this case, the callback won’t be called.


pubc – The client publication structure.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_pool_t *pjsip_publishc_get_pool(pjsip_publishc *pubc)

Get the memory pool associated with a publication client session.


pubc – The client publication structure.


pool handle.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_init(pjsip_publishc *pubc, const pj_str_t *event, const pj_str_t *target_uri, const pj_str_t *from_uri, const pj_str_t *to_uri, pj_uint32_t expires)

Initialize client publication structure with various information needed to perform the publication.

  • pubc – The client publication structure.

  • event – The Event identification (e.g. “presence”).

  • target_uri – The URI of the presentity which the which the status is being published.

  • from_uri – The URI of the endpoint who sends the event publication. Normally the value would be the same as target_uri.

  • to_uri – The URI to be put in To header. Normally the value would be the same as target_uri.

  • expires – The default expiration of the event publication. If the value PJSIP_PUBC_EXPIRATION_NOT_SPECIFIED is given, then no default expiration will be applied.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_set_credentials(pjsip_publishc *pubc, int count, const pjsip_cred_info c[])

Set authentication credentials to use by this publication.

  • pubc – The publication structure.

  • count – Number of credentials in the array.

  • c – Array of credentials.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_set_route_set(pjsip_publishc *pubc, const pjsip_route_hdr *rs)

Set route set to be used for outgoing requests.

  • pubc – The client publication structure.

  • rs – List containing Route headers.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_set_headers(pjsip_publishc *pubc, const pjsip_hdr *hdr_list)

Set list of headers to be added to each PUBLISH request generated by the client publication session. Note that application can also add the headers to the request after calling pjsip_publishc_publish() or pjsip_publishc_unpublish(), but the benefit of this function is the headers will also be added to requests generated internally by the session, such as during session renewal/refresh.

Note that calling this function will clear the previously added list of headers.

  • pubc – The client publication structure.

  • hdr_list – The list of headers.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_set_via_sent_by(pjsip_publishc *pubc, pjsip_host_port *via_addr, pjsip_transport *via_tp)

Set the “sent-by” field of the Via header for outgoing requests.

  • pubc – The client publication structure.

  • via_addr – Set via_addr to use for the Via header or NULL to use the transport’s published name.

  • via_tp – via_addr will only be used if we are using via_tp transport.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_publish(pjsip_publishc *pubc, pj_bool_t auto_refresh, pjsip_tx_data **p_tdata)

Create PUBLISH request for the specified client publication structure. Application can use this function to both create initial publication or to modify existing publication.

After the PUBLISH request is created, application MUST fill in the body part of the request with the appropriate content for the Event being published.

Note that publication refresh are handled automatically by the session (as long as auto_refresh argument below is non-zero), and application should not use this function to perform publication refresh.

  • pubc – The client publication session.

  • auto_refresh – If non zero, the library will automatically refresh the next publication until application unpublish.

  • p_tdata – Pointer to receive the PUBLISH request. Note that the request DOES NOT have a message body.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_unpublish(pjsip_publishc *pubc, pjsip_tx_data **p_tdata)

Create PUBLISH request to unpublish the current client publication.

  • pubc – The client publication structure.

  • p_tdata – Pointer to receive the PUBLISH request.


PJ_SUCCESS on success.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_update_expires(pjsip_publishc *pubc, pj_uint32_t expires)

Update the client publication expiration value. Note that this DOES NOT automatically send outgoing PUBLISH request to update the publication session. If application wants to do this, then it must construct a PUBLISH request and send it to the server.

  • pubc – The client publication structure.

  • expires – The new expires value.


PU_SUCCESS on successfull.

pj_status_t pjsip_publishc_send(pjsip_publishc *pubc, pjsip_tx_data *tdata)

Sends outgoing PUBLISH request. The process will complete asynchronously, and application will be notified via the callback when the process completes.

If the session has another PUBLISH request outstanding, the behavior depends on whether request queueing is enabled in the session (this was set by setting queue_request field of pjsip_publishc_opt to true when calling pjsip_publishc_create(). Default is true). If request queueing is enabled, the request will be queued and the function will return PJ_EPENDING. One the outstanding request is complete, the queued request will be sent automatically. If request queueing is disabled, the function will reject the request and return PJ_EBUSY.

  • pubc – The client publication structure.

  • tdata – Transmit data.


- PJ_SUCCESS on success, or

  • PJ_EPENDING if request is queued, or

  • PJ_EBUSY if request is rejected because another PUBLISH request is in progress, or

  • other status code to indicate the error.

struct pjsip_publishc_opt
#include <publish.h>

Client publication options. Application should initialize this structure with its default values by calling pjsip_publishc_opt_default()

Public Members

pj_bool_t queue_request

Specify whether the client publication session should queue the PUBLISH request should there be another PUBLISH transaction still pending. If this is set to false, the client will return error on the PUBLISH request if there is another PUBLISH transaction still in progress.


struct pjsip_publishc_cbparam
#include <publish.h>

Structure to hold parameters when calling application’s callback. The application’s callback is called when the client publication process has finished.

Public Members

pjsip_publishc *pubc

Client publication structure.

void *token

Arbitrary token.

pj_status_t status

Error status.

int code

SIP status code received.

pj_str_t reason

SIP reason phrase received.

pjsip_rx_data *rdata

The complete received response.

unsigned expiration

Next expiration interval. If the value is PJSIP_PUBC_EXPIRATION_NOT_SPECIFIED, it means the session will not renew itself.