Adding FFMPEG support

PJMEDIA can make use of the following FFMPEG development components:

  • libavutil

  • libavformat

  • libavcodec

  • libavdevice

  • libswscale


PJMEDIA by default supports FFMPEG version 2.8 or newer (see #1897). Using older version of FFMPEG is possible, see the ticket for information.

The instructions to install the above development packages vary.

Debian based distributions

sudo apt-get install libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libswscale-dev


See the list of FFMPEG packages in



Building PJPROJECT with FFMPEG support

Autoconf build system

  1. FFMPEG will be detected automatically by configure, or explicitly with --with-ffmpeg=DIR option. Notice the output:

    checking ffmpeg packages...  libavdevice libavformat libavcodec libswscale libavutil

    Note that support can be explicitly disabled with --disable-ffmpeg option.

  2. Add video support and support of ffmpeg capture device to config_site.h:

    #define PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO             1

Visual Studio

  1. Make sure FFMPEG headers and libraries are installed in locations that can be found by MSVC projects

  2. Add video and FFMPEG support to config_site.h:

    #define PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO   1
    #define PJMEDIA_HAS_FFMPEG  1


    The above assumes that all FFMPEG components (libavcodecs, libavformat, etc) above are installed. If only partial components are installed, you will need to specify the availability of each components (see PJMEDIA_HAS_LIBAVFORMAT and friends in pjmedia/config.h)